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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I am very sorry for the loss of your Teddy.
  2. Rickiesmom


    Godspeed sweet Lady! I am so very sorry for your loss.
  3. No idea about the leg, but sending positive thoughts for Lola to feel better soon!
  4. Rickiesmom


    Babe, you earned your wings. Fly free sweet one
  5. Beck. You were da man.
  6. No suggestions, just hugs and prayers.
  7. Run free sweet Falcon! My sympathy to your family who loves and misses you.
  8. To me, total lay person, Arlie doesn't really have symptoms. She has a little baldness on her butt, but that may be unrelated, and really, it's not much. My vet said that hypothyroidism is insidious though, and one side effect can be to make the dog more prone to infections. Arlie has had a chronic problem with her vulva (there's a separate, older thread on that) and he is suggesting that this tendency toward infection might be contributing to that problem. She's not particularly lethargic, and certainly not by what I understand from this board to be by greyhound standards. I called him to get the results I posted and wrote down what I heard on the phone. No one has commented on the T42 step test - maybe I misheard him and that isn't exactly the correct name - will ask about this along with other questions your collective feedback has suggested when I speak with him on Monday. At this point I am of two minds about what to do. On the one hand, if Arlie goes on the Soloxine and her issues (bald spots, chronically irritated vulva) resolve, we have an answer. On the other, if she starts drinking a lot and peeing a lot, then maybe the drug is making her hyperthyroid and we stop it. It doesn't sound like it is harmful to give her, not to suggest in any way that I want to over-medicate her. On the contrary, that concern is exactly why I posted in the first place. I certainly won't move forward with the meds until I receive more details (additional report comments, what about the equilibrium dialysis, etc.) and will let you know.
  9. Terry sounds like such a wonderful boy. I am so very sorry.
  10. "... what would I do with his tooth?? " Put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy! Very glad he's feeling better and able to enjoy selected soft foods (DQ).
  11. Run free Laura. My sympathy to her foster family.
  12. Glad she's feeling better. Now Sheana, give your mommy a break so she can get a little sleep
  13. I didn't actually see the report - spoke with my vet over the phone and he said the interpretation was hypothyroid but I don't know if there was any additional information. No one mentioned equilibrium dialysis so I'll ask about that too. My vet won't be back in the office til Monday, so I will try to find out more then. Thank you for the input and questions
  14. I am very sorry about youd cocker spaniel. Thank you for the offer of the soloxine, I really appreciate it. Perhaps someone else will be able to use it, unfortunately as I live in Canada I don't think it is permitted to send prescription drugs across the border privately. (I tried to PM you but could not as you don't have quite enough posts yet (requires 50).)
  15. My vet received the following from Dr. Dodds lab for Arlie: T4 - 6.9 nmol / L (low normal is 15) T42step - 4 pmol / L (normal is between 8 and 32) T3 - 1.65 nmol / L (normail is between 0.9 and 2.1) TSH is 0.17 ng / ML (normal is 0 to 0.6) Apparently in people TSH is the gold standard for measuring hypothyroidism (in which case the value would be high) however, my vet says the accuracy in dogs is about 35%. The interpretation is that she is hypothyroid but I would like to ask those of you who are familiar with normal values to comment. In parallel I am going to look through some of the reference material that has been posted in this forum recently.
  16. I am so very sorry. Run with the wind, free of pain Lilah!
  17. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. Considering it's his first time on the treadmill, he did great, especially in the second video where, as you say, the tech lowered him a bit! How often will he be going for his "spa" appointments? As he gets more used to the tank he may try to cheat and place his paws on the stationary platform around the treatmill How did he feel once the session was over - did it cheer him up at all? Hugs to sweet Alan - what a good boy!!
  19. Mia enjoy your treats, eat lots and feel better !!
  20. Rickiesmom


    Godspeed Sheba, run safe and free at the bridge. My condolences to Sheba's family.
  21. Poor Bodie! I hope the results come back soon! In the meantime, are you able to put a thin sock on the sore foot to stop him from licking it?
  22. No advice, just prayers and a very gentle hug for Wenda.
  23. Elton is a drop-dead gorgeous hunk. Congratulations on your new family member !
  24. She's gorgeous. And the fact that Arlie is red and white in no way biases my opinion.
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