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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Will be watching anxiously for an update - meanwhile, sending all good thoughts for Mamma Carly.
  2. Sending prayers that things are not as serious with Marvin as they appear.
  3. Rickiesmom


    I am so sorry - what a wonderful hound.
  4. I am so very sorry - my heart goes out to all concerned.
  5. Wonderful news!! Now let's hope she gives most of those side effects a big side step!
  6. I have no experience with this, just wanted to let you know my thoughts are with you and Odie.
  7. How did I miss this thread? Will watch for an update once she's home!
  8. Congratulations - sounds like Peter had a hand in this. Welcome home Mel Gibson and Coco!!
  9. My heart goes out to you - it's so difficult / tricky, yet good for him to be home, at least for a respite. Will continue to pray and watch for updates - is there any news from OSU yet?
  10. Sending more prayers and watching for today's update with hope.
  11. Sending prayers that Blitz will improve as the Amicar leaves his system.
  12. Godspeed sweet Summer. My heartfelt condolences to her owner and foster family.
  13. Here's hoping removing the Amicar will help, and that OSU / the pharmacist have good recommendations. Hugs to you, your DH and to Blitz.
  14. I am so sorry. We haven't met but I have always enjoyed the Scooter stories and pictures. Take good care.
  15. Rickiesmom


    Thank you for sharing your most precious memories of Keeper.
  16. A wonderful tribute to your beautiful Willow. I am so sorry for your loss of her.
  17. Checking for news following the consultation. Fingers crossed!!
  18. One of the first things I do when a dog joins our family. IMO it's critical to have an ID that can't slip off.
  19. Thank you for letting us get to know Craiger a little. I am so sorry for your loss of him.
  20. Just back from a little over a week away and couldn't be more thrilled at the good news!!!
  21. As difficult as it must have been, I am glad you could be with him to the end of this part of his journey. Run free sweetheart.
  22. Watching this thread closely and with hope you get answers that will help your boy soon. Sending more prayers and white light.
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