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Everything posted by laurie

  1. He's about the same. He had xrays as part of the workup my vet did--back/belly, neck, legs--we were able to see pretty much his whole body/head. He had a dental when they had him under for his throat 'scope--since he was under anyway, my vet went ahead and cleaned his teeth; no problems there. He is eating a little better, now that it's all yummy stuff. I offer him food around 4 times a day or more. He still doesn't eat as much as I'd like him to. His favorite thing right now is the Satin Balls I made him, so I've been mixing those in with just about everything else. He's been letting Rose lay next to him, sometimes even touching, which he's never done in the past without some degree of snark. She has been sweet with him--she goes where he goes.
  2. Thanks, everybody, for all the great suggestions. I have some things I can try, now, and even if none of them help, at least I'll feel like I'm DOING something for him. I love my boy so very, very much, and I just want him with me as long as possible.
  3. He's gotten so thin I'm surprised the neighbors haven't called the Animal Protection people on me (probably they haven't because Rose is such a fat little muffin, from eating Rhem's leftovers). The vets can't find anything really wrong, other than a bad back. I'm feeding him pasta, pizza crust, pancakes, Satin Balls, puppy food, stinky canned food, whatever I can get him to eat--which is not much, these days. He's been wormed three times now (he was positive for hooks). He's had a two week, three times a day course of antibiotics. He's been on Metacam for his back. We tried him on thyroid replacement just to see if it would help (it didn't). He's on Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtime. All his bloodwork is really good. His poops are good. He drinks normally. He wags his tail (although not much, anymore--I really miss his helicopter tail), and he still carries his pillow around, although mostly he lays in bed. And still, he loses weight. I'm just watching him waste away, it seems, and it's killing me. I feel so completely helpless. What else can I do for him? Ideas? Suggestions? What has worked for other hounds?
  4. Leaving a hound outside in the heat is one of my biggest fears. Glad everything turned out okay!
  5. laurie

    Quiet Man

    Oh no I'm so very, very sorry.
  6. PS--I'm taking him to a chiropractor Monday. Hopefully that'll help with his back and legs. Nope on the specialist doing the scope. It's my reg. vet.
  7. He just called. He's being 'scoped tomorrow. I wish you could take FMLA when your dog is sick.
  8. Yeah, him. I always really liked him, but since they got bought by VCA, things are different. eta: No reason to go above and beyond, I guess, since they have no $$ interest in the business any more, and they get paid the same no matter what they do or don't do. Sad. eta x 2: I truly mean no disrespect to veterinarians. It is what it is.
  9. Many, many prayers for your boy, and hugs for you. I'm so sorry you're going through this!
  10. It's always been clear how much you love that boy. I'm sorry he had to go.
  11. laurie

    A Baby Angel

    Poor little baby. RIP, sweetheart.
  12. Glad all is well. Happy belated birthday, beautiful lady!
  13. So the vet was supposed to call me today after looking at the xrays from yesterday with the radiologist. Never called. I'm on pins and needles all day, on the brink of tears all day, and no call. I finally called them on break at school tonight, around 7. He was GONE FOR THE DAY. Seriously, this is my CHILD we're talking about here. How does he forget to call?? I know, I know, he's busy, he has more patients than my boy, etc. etc., blah blah blah. I KNOW. At least my brain knows. But my heart, not so much. The vet tech said she would tell him to call me in the AM. So I go back to class. And think I'm going to throw up with the waiting and wondering. I got out of school @ 2130, and there's a message on my VM from the tech saying the vet called in right after we talked, and told her to call me back and tell me the radiologist SAW NOTHING TO SUGGEST ANYTHING BAD!!!!!!!!! And to tell me he would call me tomorrow, and not to worry. HOWEVER. Two vets saw "something" yesterday. And he is still not breathing right. And he has still lost a total of 13 pounds. So what is wrong with him? Guess I'll know what the plan is after talking to the vet tomorrow. IF HE REMEMBERS TO CALL ME. ARRGHGGHHHHH!!!!!! You people, thank you all so much for your prayers and good thoughts for my boy. You're all amazing, and I'm thankful for every one of you. Keep those prayers coming.
  14. There is a mass or thickened tissue in his throat on xray. The radiologist will look at the films tomorrow. Whatever it is in his throat, his lungs are clear. I refuse to let myself be upset until I know more. Please, prayers.
  15. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boy he was!
  16. I didn't even know where to put this--I'm just so sad, and I need to let it out, and I know you guys understand. Rhemus is my heart and soul, and watching him age is just killing me. He's had various problems lately--hookworms, his back, his back legs, his throat, some confusion, tremors, etc., and I'm doing absolutely everything I can for him along with my vet, but I just feel so helpless. I want him to be young and healthy and happy, and to talk to me like he used to. I don't want him to have pain for even a minute, or to feel scared when his legs give out, or to have a hard time getting up. I'm even having a hard time making myself get his nails cut, because I know he hates it. I keep praying constantly for God not to take him from me. He does still have good moments, and he still wants his cookies--he always eats his cookies with his butt up in the air in sort of the play-bow position--it's the cutest thing. I'm going on my first real vacation in over 10 years in a couple weeks--camping/hiking in Silverton, Colorado--and I'm so scared to go. I don't want to leave Rhem. I would never, never forgive myself if something happened while I'm gone, for not being there for him. It's literally making me sick. Thanks for "listening;" I know there's nothing anyone can do, and that aging is a part of living. I just need a little help coping, I guess.
  17. Glad he's doing better!! (I work in a cath lab, looking at xray all day, and we call gas "future farts" )
  18. Keeping Thane in my prayers. It's probably because I'm going through this with Rhem at the moment, but have you checked a fecal? Rhem has bad hookworms in spite of being on Interceptor. You saying his tummy's gurgly is what mad me think of it...
  19. laurie


    ((((((Rachel)))))) Rest peacefully, handsome Julio.
  20. Rhemus has a +4 hookworm infestation. How exactly this happens when said houndie is on Interceptor is anybody's guess. BUT--the weight loss, the coughing (they migrate to the lungs, ew), the lethargy, all explained. His blood counts are good, thankfully! He and Rose start Panacur tonight, 2nd treatment in two weeks, test again two weeks after that, and we go from there. Never thought I would be SO HAPPY that my furkid has worms!!!!! But that certainly is better than some of the alternatives that were floating around my brain. Thank you all again for the good thoughts and prayers. (eta--he happened to poop while we were waiting outside at the vet, and just on a whim I had them do a fecal)
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