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Everything posted by laurie

  1. Thanks all for the 'olive' info. I feel much better...I think ...although I am a bit worried about some of you!! At least I know I'm not alone!
  2. Marbles has swelling, not where his, um, hangy-downs were , but at the base of his hoo-hoo. It's sort of on each side of it, and they're about the size of big olives. And they're pretty hard. Yes, I had to poke them so I could describe them. They don't seem to be painful. I've noticed it for a while, but it seems like it's getting bigger. Any ideas what this is? Should I be worried? Or just prosecuted for feeling up my hound??!!
  3. Our sweet Em...Your monkey still sits on the mantle, waiting for you to come play. We think of you every day. What a hole you left in our lives.
  4. laurie


    Emily died this past May after running into our sliding glass door and breaking her neck. We still feel her absence and miss her tremendously. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and relive that awful night. Everyone, PLEASE teach your Greys that glass is solid as soon as they come home, and put stickers on your glass doors to make them more visible.
  5. Bea was a retired brood mom who was adopted and then had to be rescued from her adopters for neglect. When I picked her up to foster her, she was the saddest, skinniest dog I think I'd ever seen. She had a bad limp, wasn't strong enough to go up the stairs or take a long walk. Had her tail permanently tucked between her legs and wouldn't look us in the eyes. She acted like she'd never seen a squeakie or a stuffie before. Now, after just a couple months, she runs and plays with our younger two, bounds up and down the stairs, has gained 13 pounds, and loves to kill stuffies and play tug of war. This 10 year old senior girl brings joy to our hearts every day. We'll thank God for every minute we'll have with her, may it be many.
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