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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. It's passed by ticks. I would have them all tested.
  2. UTI's can be stubborm. If the vet has not tried Baytril I would ask him/her to. Definitely only filtered water, and I would also do the cranberry pills or capsules. Momofsweetpotatoes suggestion on having his sheath thoroughly cleaned is a good one also. He should also never be required to "hold it". Has the vet mentioned doing an ultrasound of the kidneys? Possibe fungal infection? Here is a web page with lots of info link
  3. Sending prayers that Blitz will be able to come home.
  4. I am so sorry. Godspeed Daisy.
  5. Doing "very well" is excellent! Way to go Lacey Laine!!
  6. Phillie needs the ultrasound and cytology right away. If it it is just the spleen he can do just fine without it. $1200 for the surgery is not bad at all. Sending prayers.
  7. There have been many times that a newbie to Greytalk has posted about a bit of fear from reading Health and Medical, and many of us have pointed out that people generally don't come on H & M to talk about healthy dogs, but rather to get support, maybe some advice, and to have a place to discuss their fears. So this is a good health post. I took Renie age 9, Lucy age 9 and Teddy almost 8 to their vet for their annual exam, heartworm test, fecal, urinalysis and comprehensive senior panel including extra thyroid panel. Their exams were great, blood work all good, fecal negative, it was all good. My puppers have been on a raw diet for about 15 months now and their vet is very happy with everything. Renie and Lucy are going to have a dental in two weeks because they are showing some plaque and gingivitis. Teddy's teeth are pretty and white and bright , so no dental for Teddy. They do have turkey necks every day, but the girls just don't have good teeth. While the girls are having theit teeth done Teddy and I may go to the dog park.
  8. I give the Pepcid 30 minutes before feeding, then I give the meds after feeding.
  9. I can tell you what I have done with my dogs. Renie and Lucy are 9 and Teddy will be 8 in November. We had already gone to every three years, and this month Renie would have been due distemper and parvo so we had a titer run which showed that she did not need the vaccines. My dogs do have physical exams twice a year, comprehensive senior profile (blood work) and urinalysis, heartworm test and fecal annually, and at the other six month exam they have a wellness profile (blood work) done. We do have the intranasal bordetella every six months. Having said all that, a lot of vets are not going to volunteer the information of the three year shot protocol to their clients simply because they know the only time the dogs are brought in for vet care is for the "annual shots", so if they don't get the annual shots the dog won't see the vet.
  10. There are many, many possible symptoms but the individual may show only one symptom, none or a whole bunch. When I was reading your post my instinctive response was going to be "the day my vet refuses to listen to me is the day I find another vet"...then of course I read the rest of your post. So maybe the suggestion of "humoring you" is something you can try. Have you shown your vet the long, long list of "possible symptoms"? If not I would take that to work as back up. In the end you have to do what is best for your dog, I know you have considered a trip to OSU and that may be the best thing to do if you possibly can.
  11. Thanks - I know they did bloodwork last week and are following up with more bloodwork this week. Which results should I be looking at specifically? A CBC should include a platelet count and coagulation factor, amoung other things. I would also ask the vet about testing for Von Willebrand.
  12. I would go ahead and give them the intranasal bordetella.
  13. She acts perfectly normal... stools normal, energy's normal, teeth look OK. She's only 2.5 years old, would she need a dental this soon? The food is from a brand new bag that we just bought and our other dog is eating fine from it! As Lynn suggested, it would be good to have her checked over by her vet.
  14. Glad things are looking up. Malone is just letting you know that with his senior status comes some perks like hamburger, chicken and other good stuff.
  15. I would be very worried also since the wax could become impacted. I would get her to the vet.
  16. Is it safe to give cranberry while the dog is still on antibiotics? Jupiter is apparently having the same issue, and is on Clavamox right now. Just wondering if I should hold off on the extra pills till he's done with the meds. Ask your vet to make sure, but I take cranberry capsules because of chronic UTI's and have continued taking them even while taking antibiotics for a UTI. They haven't totally stopped the UTI's but they aren't as frequent.
  17. Checked into it a few years ago and decided it was not something I felt would be very helpful.
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