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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Craiger, run with all the other angels.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed big guy, run with the angels.
  3. More prayers coming for sweet Lacey Laine.
  4. Not sure if the Gas-x will work either but it's worth a try. Are the rawhides US made? If not I would throw them away.
  5. You could give him some Pepcid and a snack about 30 minutes before his antibiotics and hopefully his tummy will handle the meds OK. I hope he feels better soon.
  6. Poor guy is obviously distressed about something and I wonder if it is totally unrelated to the leg. When reading over this thread I was thinking maybe a UTI or maybe having trouble urinating. If tonight is the same as the previous night I would take him to the vet. Hope you and Zooks get some rest.
  7. Other then not eating all of her food does she seem to feel good? Could she possibly need a dental, how do her teeth look? Have you given the food the smell test to make sure it isn't rancid? Is her stool normal, as in formed, not runny?
  8. I am so sorry. Godspeed sweet Elvis, run with all the other angels. Sending prayers for peace to CoraFaye and the rest of Elvis' family.
  9. In addition to long term antibiotics, and testing urine two weeks after and then a month after completion of antibiotics, and filtered water and unlimited water, it is also very important that he is not required to "hold it". If there isn't anyone home during the day then he should either have a dog sitter mid-day or a dog door. I hope your boy feels better soon. Poor baby, bladder infections are very painful.
  10. I would call the ER clinic and see what they advise.
  11. Mary, Sending prayers for Freddie and for you also.
  12. Check her over really, really well for fleas, especially above the base of the tail. How long has she been in your home? Has she been itchy the whole time, or this is new itchiness? Does her skin look pink, ears, tummy, etc? If this is new itchiness has anything changed in your home's environment, like new laundry detergent, new carpet or carpets cleaned, lawn treated, new plants, new food or treats or chewies? Most of the time it is response to environment like grass pollen or something else air borne. For that I would give Benadryl, 25mg of the plain old pink tablet Benadryl. I have one grey, Lucy, who did have food allergies and she was really itchy and chewing on herself on some foods. Since I changed to a raw diet Lucy is no longer itchy.
  13. I would take her to the vet. They aren't going to put a cast on her leg for a toe injury, but you do need to know exactly what the injury is, and if treatment is needed.
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