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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. click on linky Rescue Remedy didn't help my puppers but two things do help. A t-shirt and the CD in the above link.
  2. I am so sorry. Godspeed Ladybug.
  3. With our first greyhound we had a very expensive ER visit on a Sunday due to a bath. We had no idea what was wrong, and neither did our veterinarian at the time. Not even our adoption group knew what to tell us. That was 1994, I think the word on warm baths for greyhounds has gotten around some since then.
  4. I am convinced that no one sheds like the white ones. Teddy my cow dog is shedding a lot but his coat is somewhat coarse, so it is not quite as bad as Lucy. With Lucy it is like someone spilled a bunch of down pillows and it is all flying through the air. We have had two black greys and two brindles and one fawn, none shed like the white ones.
  5. If I were asking if my dog should be taken to the vet, then in my opinion the answer is "yes". We don't see the injury, or the signs of illness, and other then Dr. Feeman we aren't vets. JMHO
  6. I am so sorry. Godspeed Vader.
  7. There may be a combination of two things, one....he was not conditioned to walk 3 miles, and two....he got overheated. Remember, you can sweat, he can only cool himself by panting. Asking a question was not a "mistake".
  8. I would not give any NSAID since he has already had problems in the past. An xray would be minor compared to having a dog bleed out. If you feel your veterinarian is not giving proper care then I would change vets.
  9. Sending prayers for healing and full recovery.
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