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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. I am so very sorry for your loss Amanda.
  2. I will say now this was in the back of my mind from the get go, yet I so was hoping for a differnt outcome. I am so sorry Donna, I am devastated for you. No words will change things for you, just know we are here for you and we care so very much.
  3. Checking in to see how Bounty Boon is doing. You are doing all you can for him Donna. This will get figured out somehow. Hang in there, I know it is so difficult waiting and not knowing. Know that you are not waiting and worrying alone chick. We are right here with ya, if not in body certainly in spirit and prayer. More prayers for Bounty Boon and many hugs for you. :bighug Try to get some rest, hang in there and please keep us posted as you can. Love ya!
  4. Awww poor Bounty! Hope you get some answers Donna. Please keep us posted. Feel better sweet baby boy.
  5. Best wishes for a swift and complete recovery for Patton. Please let us know how he does.
  6. Donna I am so sorry Bounty Boon is not feeling well. Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers for some kind of answers to Bounty's problems. Not knowing what to do to help is the worst part for me and I have been there. Hang in there, you will figure this out!
  7. Not sure what to make out of all that Donna. Holding you and Mr. Bounty Boon in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how he does.
  8. Rest well Sport. You good work here is done. Marilyn I am so sorry for all your losses.
  9. gazehund


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. gazehund


    I am so sorry Pat. Rest well Babe. You are loved.
  12. What a gorgeous dog!! If anyone can help him Audrey, it is you. Good luck and let us know how he does.
  13. Yeah, thats MY job!! Glad he is feeling better!! Does he wear a collar in the house? Any chance he could have gotten caught on that somehow? Doesn't really matter, what matters now is he is on the mend. You get some rest too Missy!
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. I truly hate cancer.
  15. Thoughts and prayers with you and your family this morning.
  16. gazehund


    Deepest and sincerest condolences to Sheba's family and friends. I am sorry for your loss.
  17. Poor Bodie boy. Healing thoughts and many prayers headed your way. Feel better Bodie.
  18. Happy Gotcha Day Lady Sophia!! We miss you darlin, but you are not very far away.
  19. Brilliant news!! Kudos to you for not settling for what a vet had to say just because he is a vet. You knew he was wrong and you did something about it. Feel better soon Penny!
  20. gazehund


    I am so very sorry for your loss.
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