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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Just got back up to check in for an update. Pancreatitus is a serious condition, but it can be beaten. One of my old mixed breed dogs was the same as Lacey Laine. Sicker than sick for a week, but he pulled through to live many more years without another flare up of it. Continued prayers for the Rusty man and his Momma and Daddy. I'll be checking in first thing in the morning for an update Dee. :hope :hope
  2. Dee is waiting for a call from the vet. She is on dialup and wants to keep the line clear. She will update when she can. She knows Rusty has a huge following here and she wanted you all to know what was happening. He is just the best dog ever. I wish you all could meet him!! His Momma ain't so bad either. :lol
  3. Guys Dee just called.................keeps the prayers coming, he is not out of the woods yet. Rusty has a ruptured spleen and is in surgery right now. Pray the surgery goes well, pray the pathology report comes back clear...................oh heck just keep praying!!! Cautious optimism at the moment. Thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes. They are very much appreciated.
  4. I can't talk right now. This can't be happening.
  5. gazehund

    Godspeed Carmen

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. Happy Birthday over the Rainbow darlin. We miss you.
  7. Has she eaten any type of food she is not used to getting? Or has she been in contact with any plants / shrubs there? Bitten by one of those nasty bugs? All I can think of aside from what you have already done.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well sweet Oliver.
  9. Mary I have no experience with IBD. Know I am keeping you and Hobbes in my thoughts and prayers. Feel better sweet Hobbes.
  10. Atta girl Sally!! Glad to hear she has come round some Bev.
  11. Awwwww beautiful Sally. Please feel better sweetheart. We are thinking about you from across the big puddle of water between us.
  12. I truly despise the cancer monster. Enjoy the remaining time you have with your sweet boy. Spoil him rotten! I am so sorry the news wasn't better.
  13. I have no words Donna. They would not help your broken heart anyway. Know I am thinking about you. Rest well dear Bounty. You will always be loved, never forgotten.
  14. Atta girl Dallas!! Keep getting better little girl.
  15. Checking in for an update. Many, many more prayers for Miz Foxy.
  16. Just seeing this now Dana. Prayers for little Dallas and a hug for you.
  17. Good luck Ole One Fang!! Make Mom give you lots of goodies when you get home.
  18. Bounty Boon is home! Wishing you a peaceful day today you two.
  19. I am so sorry. Cancer truly is a monster.
  20. Positive thoughts for Tootsie and Asia. Please let us know when your girls are home safe and sound ladies.
  21. Two of my hounds have neck issues, but not to the degree of Razor. Chiropractic and acupuncture have helped enormously. Please let us know how Razor is feeling.
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