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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. gazehund


    I am so sorry Sheila. Rest well Natasha.
  2. I think he looks great Dee!! As long as he is eating, drinking, and keeping it down, it's all good. Super news!!
  3. Cornell University Vet school is in Ithaca. Don't think you can get much better than that. Take him and have fun!
  4. Agreed. I have two above their racing weight and two below. They all look healthy and fit. Three of them are seniors.
  5. Hey Tater Head!! I have some pork chops for ya if ya continue to be a good boy. Love ya!! Pearl.
  6. Both, if I'm reading right. See posts #102 (gazehund) and #125 (nygreys). You are reading right. He had both.
  7. It is really difficult not to think the worst, especially as they get older. Not sure what I would do about the ultasound, I don't know Chancey at all. You do and you will do what is best for her. Hang in there and take it one day at a time. All any of us can do really. :bighug
  8. WELCOME HOME TATER HEAD!! He looks great Dee!! Yeah his legs are swollen, but they will go down as he moves around a bit more and the excess fluids are absorbed into his system. He looks very, very happy to be home. Almost as happy as I am to see him home!
  9. WhoooooooooooHooooooooooooooooo!! You are doing the right thing Dee. I think you will find he will make his way up the stairs just fine. Try not to worry about him starving. It would actually take a very long time for a dog his size to literally "starve." Try to keep him hydrated as best you can, offer him a bit of food and see what happens. Unless something goes really terribly wrong, I would try to keep him home if you can. Good luck, keep us posted and call me if you need help!! WELCOME HOME RUSTY!!
  10. WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You know if you need ANY help with ANYTHING call me!! I can leave work early if I have to, no worries. I am thrilled Dee.
  11. Awww Michelle. :bighug I miss your sweetheart too. Please let us know if your new niece makes it in to the world today!!
  12. Sounds good to me Dee!! Come on Rusty, we have a few pork chops we want to give you!
  13. Agreed. If he doesn't need to be there Dee, bring the boy home if you can.
  14. I second trying to find a good canine acupuncturist / chiropractor Mare. Two of my four dogs have had brilliant results. Both have neck / spine issues. Good luck with Oscar, I am glad you are on the right track with him now.
  15. Awww there is the big guy!! With all he has been through in the last few days, I'd say he looks pretty darn good Dee. Keep feeling better Rusty, you need to get home.
  16. Dee as Diane said, he may not feel like eating for several days. My dog was easily a week without eating anything but what I could hand feed him. Hopefully tonight will be a better report. Please give the big lug an extra hug and scritch from us. Tell him his flying buddy is rooting for him too!!
  17. Still praying for the big lug. Dee I think with a little more time he will come around. We all want him all better right NOW, but it does take time. Hoping for better news tomorrow and a restful night for you and Rusty tonight. Hang in there!!
  18. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of sweet Harry. Deepest and sincerest condolences to your Mom. Rest well Harry, you are loved.
  19. Corns. Dislocated, displaced toe TBD can sometimes present an undefined limp. Foreign body in the pad. Many other causes for a limp in a hound but I am right there with you in the panic department. Agree if you have an upcoming vet appointment for him don't give him anything for pain. You want the vet to be able to see what you saw, you don't want to mask it. Good luck with Cash, I hope he feels better soon!
  20. Dee when my mixed breed guy was sick with pancreatitis, I had to go to the hospital and hand feed him. Only way he would eat anything. That went on for about a week. After he got home and started to feel better, he picked right back up again. He just felt so lousy he had no interest in food. Continuing prayers for the big lug!! You getting any rest?
  21. Hilda he is just the goofiest, sweetest, nicest dog you would ever want to meet. Like Dee said, he has never met an enemy. Everybody and their brother wanted him, we were lucky to get him. I know he is going to get well too. He has to!
  22. Aggggggghhhhhhhhh!!! Of all days for Road Runner to go down. Atta boy big guy, keep fighting the good fight darlin. You'll be home in no time. Pearl wants you to know she will gladly give you another pork chop if you can have it!! Keeping the prayers coming Dee.
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