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Everything posted by Pepsi2004

  1. Pepsi2004


    So sorry for your loss Diane!
  2. I am on prednisone myself - I do not sleep much when on it - my DH and friends talk about my pred. highs - I do things like clean closets watch TV, do laundry at all hours of the night.. The nice thing about it is my house is in much better shape. But, this is a known side effect. Also it makes one pee more - so that could be part of the issue or the main issue. Yes, Toes will get better as the doseage drops - I always look forward to that part of being on it for 2 weeks.
  3. Welcome from Texas! This is a greyt site not only for greyhound topics ,but for support in other areas too!
  4. I had one senior attacked so visciously by a girl we'd had for 3 years, the we had to put the senior down. The attack was totally unprovoked. This other Grey had attacked a foster at our place beofre, but we thought we knew why - wrong!! We kept her muzzled for several weeks after this incident and felt she was ok and removed it.She was returned to the adoption group the night of the 2nd attack. We put in writing that she was not to be placed with any other animals or small children - this one as a proactive move. Group ignored our advice and placed her with a widow that had a cat - yep! she killed the cat and was returned - I just hope that after her 2nd return, she found her forever home.
  5. Howdy from the Fort Worth area!!
  6. Pepsi2004

    Izzy Is Gone.

    So sorry for your loss!
  7. Four years ago Pepsi, you crossed the Rainbow Bridge and left such an empty space in my heart and soul. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you and miss you so much. I know that one day I shall see you again and will feel complete at the moment you greet me!! Run happy and healed my love!!
  8. Another Texan!! The girl you're going to see tomorrow looks absolutely stunning!! Good luck and have a safe trip. We will all be waiting to hear how things went.
  9. Pepsi2004


    So sorry for your loss - run Cuffy, run!!
  10. Pepsi2004

    The Queen

    :bighug It does get easier as time passes, but she will always be with you and will come to you at different times - your memories will give you comfort. "God gave us memories, that we might have roses in December."
  11. Howdy from Cleburne,TX - about 20 miles SW of Fort Worth.
  12. When my Foley dislocated the outside toe on her right hind leg, she kept licking the area - the nail had dug into the pad of the next toe. The vet said it was very difficult to pop the joint back, but did get it done. She was also impressed that they didn't need to sedate Foley and she never made a sound. About a year ago, Foley also suffered a break in the same leg - our back yard is level and safe. I just can't figure out why she has issues with that leg. If you are concerned about whether or not the toe is dislocated, then take her to the vet for an assessment.
  13. So sorry for your loss - Queenie, run young and healthy with all our angels!!
  14. Pearl, my 12 year old also pants at night - I find that if I turn on the ceiling fan, she stops - I think heat and humidity get to be too much for some of the older Greys.
  15. According to one site, at the 7/8ths pole, her head flew up and that could indicate the first break - then she couldn't be stopped and broke the second. What a wonderful filly - run, eight Belles, as you were bred to run, with all our angels!
  16. Welcome Greg! This is the best site/group of people to share a love of Greyhounds with! Hope you find your Grey real soon!
  17. We lost our Pepsi, in my avatar photo, in 2004. She started having seizures when she was 6, which is unusual, as epilepsy usually shows up in younger dogs. We were able to maintain her for a 1 1/2 years on Pheno, but she went into a massive seizure that only stopped when the evet gave her Valium IV - even then, she wasn't aware of anything around her. So, with her in my lap, we helped her cross the bridge. The vet felt it was more than likely a tumor because Pepsi was so "old" to deveop epilepsy. I grieve with you over your loss of Samson, but you did do what was best for him. I know the he and Pepsi are having a Greyt time!!
  18. Poor Foley! Last fall, she came into the house with her right hind off the ground - took her to the vet and somehow, she'd broken it! Vet said it was the kind of break that resulted from jumping down off something - well, our backyard is flat and Foley doesn't go on furniture. She healdd very well and the cast came off after 6 weeks. Last week, I noticed that she was not weight bearing on the leg all the time. Thinking she'd pulled or banged it, I let it go until this past Monday - took her in and my regular vet wasn't there. So, vet#2 looks at her - very briefly, after I mentioned about the break last fall. He said there didn't seem to be anything wrong and unless I wanted to do an x-ray, all he'd do is prescribe Rimadyl. So, off we go after a bill of $77. Later on inthe week, I see she is no better, so I really look at her leg/foot. What do I see?? The outside of the paw has a lick sore that is right down to the bone and the nail from that toe is buried in the soft part of the next toe pad -and I mean buried. I get it out - with a whimper from Foley (she is very stoic and does not use the Greyhound shreik of death!!), and dress it with antibiotic cream and padding then wrap it. DH was out of town and I couldn't get Foley into my 1 ton truck. Yesterday, Mike takes her into our regulat vet and after a thorough examination and rxays, it is determined that Foley had a severly dislocated toe!! It took a lot of umph to place the toe back where it belonged. She now has a splint and ace banadage to above her hock that should come off in 6 days. I really feel bad that I missed this, but am also PO'ed at vet #2 for not even giving her a proper examination! BTW was not charged for the exam by our vet.
  19. Penny run pain free with all the other fur Angels!!
  20. Pepsi2004

    A New Angel

    So sorry for your loss - run free Moe!!
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