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Everything posted by Pepsi2004

  1. I am so sorry for your loss - it never seems that we have enough time with our loves
  2. Pepsi2004


    So sorry for all that you have faced since coming home Mark. Thanks so much for serving for all of us. Sarge is now with all our Angel Greys - he is healthy and happy! I am so sorry for your losses.
  3. Thanks for the advice, but we tried that last year and it didn't help!
  4. I am fit to be tied about my JRT, Sydney. Every summer, she gets awful itchies - she licks her paws almost nonstop, scratches constantly and even scrubs her eyes with her paws. We have tried everything. The past few days, her eyes look so washed out and her left lip is swollen from all the itching. She has withdrawn so much and of course, no longer comes to the barn to do chores in the mornings and evenings. She does fine on prednisone, but after she is tapered off it, we are back to square one. Have tried Beneydril(sp) children's tabs, then the spray on. The vets are as confounded as I am. It is seasonal, as she is fine the rest of the year. If anyone can give me some ideas, I would be so grateful and so would Syd!!
  5. In January, we adopted a senior Grey that had been turned in by her family because they were moving ! Anyway, Pearl is very sweet and well trained, even knowing "sit" and "lay down". She is perfectly housetrained and been a joy to live with. Foley, our other girl came to us as a spook in Aug. 2004 - she has made remarkable progress and is becoming a love puppy - she is not a girl that will assert herself. Pearl likes to be the boss - if Foley is eating/drinking/laying on what Pearl think is her bed, she will just stand by Foley and give her "the eye'. Foley then lets Pearl have whatever. Pearl turned 11 in March. In the past few weeks, she has acted like she may have some "dementia" - she stands up and then looks confused and seems like she doesn't know what she wants to do. In the past couple of days, she has become grouchy towards the smaller dogs and the cats. An example: yesterday, I was here in the office and Pearl was laying on the floor by my chair. As one of the JRTs went by, she growled and really lunged at her. Then last night, she jumped up off her bed in the living room and almost cornered one of the cats. She would have persued her if we hadn't physically restrained her. Even after the cat left the living room, Pearl was still looking for her. She had never shown any interest in the cats until then. When there is no one in the house, both Greys are muzzled - they have been since Pearl arrived and showed that she is the alpha. Now, I am having concerns about her even when we are home!! She is So sweet and deserves to live her days out in a wonderful home (OURS, of course!). Does this happen with the older Greys? Any suggestions? We really love her and want to do what we can to keep everyone safe and happy.
  6. Run free Snickers and tell all our Grey angels that we miss them!! I am so sorry for your loss!
  7. So sorry for your loss - it is never easy
  8. I am so sorry for your loss - Skittle, run free and healthy
  9. Just saw this - $ sent via Paypal. Like everyone else - wish it was more and a huge thanks for Greytalk and all that you do for this board and us!!
  10. Pepsi2004

    Willow Is Gone

    I am so sorry for your loss - from your post, I have a wonderful sense of Willow - she truly was special and will always be in your hearts.
  11. Pepsi2004


    So sorry for your loss.
  12. "Forever loved. Forever missed."
  13. Pepsi2004


    I am so sorry for this terrible loss. Peeps, say hi to Lacie for me, she crossed the bridge the same way you did this past March.
  14. a grieving friend behind. You were only 7, in the prime of your life. I miss you so much Pepsi - I visit your grave and cry for you and how much you mean to me. I remember you as a young pup - so full of life, so eager to please. I remember you as the dignified lady who handled the 2,500 mile trip when we moved, with such class - it was as if it was something you did every day. You loved your companion, the JRT, Sydney, who came to us as a young pup - how you loved to play tug of war and race around the yard with her - she misses you too. You blessed my life and have left such a hole in my heart - I know that you are happy and healthy now - one day we will be together again - until then, I hold you close in my thoughts and memory.
  15. Well, Foley never read the part in the books that say that Greys don't bark! She barks at the horses in the paddock next to her, she barks at the birds, she barks whenever she sees us from the yard - she loves the sound of her voice!! She even barks at night, when she hears things - my terriers never barked as much as she does!!!!!
  16. Yesterday, DH buried Lacey - he was away when this all happened and he picked her body up at the vet's yesterday. The house feels so empty - Lacey slept by my side of the bed and was such a quiet, sweet girl. Evette was the happy go lucky one of the pack - I just can't understand why this happened. I have darling Foley left and my Jack Russell, Sydney. Foley spent time looking for Lacey and whinning - she kept going into my bedroom and sniffing her bed. I have no idea what the group is intending for Evette - I did write that she was not to be placed with other pets or children - I am so afraid that they may have put her down!! I can't shake the grief - my heart is still so broken - thank you to all of you for you messages and PMs. I won't be on the board much for awhile as I deal with this - I love you all and give all your Greys an extra hug and kiss from me.
  17. Today I have been living in hell - my Evette, that I have had for almost 2 years, attacked the 12 year old girl, Lacey. Her wounds were so bad that she has crossed the rainbow bridge. I won't go into details, but the vet indicated it would be a very long and hard healing process, so with her in my arms, Lacey joined my dear Pepsi and all the other pets that have gone before her. Evette had attacked a foster last summer that I had and there was a large vet bill for that incident. Given that 2 dogs were so seriously hurt, I returned Evette to the group I got her from - I feel like I have betrayed her - I am 55 years old and have never given up a dog before. I cannot begin to describe the pain I am feeling - that Lacey's life had to end this way and that Evette is gone.
  18. You are just full of little surprises - aren' t you??
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