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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. I really don't know whether to be worried, or if this is a normal progression of his injury. When we left around 2 this afternoon, all was well. Jake can get himself up off his bed and is moving around better. When we got home I noticed that his ankle has a pouch of fluid and is very red. His whole leg is redder and he has bruising under his arm an on his chest. Not dark, just noticeably pinker. The whole leg is swollen and his poor foot is a plate. I know in humans, the bruising can get real colourful a day or so into things so............ that's what I hope I am seeing. We've been doing some thinking, and........... He fell up the steps on Wednesday night. We have carpet ont he stairs and hardwood on the top. Legs kind of splayed out as he scrambled and got upright. Thursday when I got home from work he was limping ever so slightly (he'd ran the fence barking and playing with the dog next door in the am) The limp just got progressively worse during the evening. The other really odd thing is he won't eat. Well that isn't odd since if he's hurting he won't But, he will if I feed him by hand, and very happily. He'll even clean up the mess if it falls. If I even show him a bowl, even a one of ours, he gets up and glares at it and leaves. I'm wondering now if he knocked his food bowl over (metal bowl on a plant stand) since it's near where he fell. I just can't remember and they know one of them over so often it didnt' stick in my head if he did.
  2. Jake seems to be a bit better today. He still isn't eating though I've cooked some ground beef for him so I'll try that in abit. He did make me laugh though, I offered him his food this morning with lots of tuna in it. He touched a piece with his nose, then stood up and just looked at me, then walked as far away as he could. I accepted that as a no!
  3. That's what it looks like to me. It's possible that he bumped it getting off the table at the groomers??? My Jake bleeds under the skin like that, especilly in nstances where his skin gets pulled sideways. (kind of hard to describe but sort of like when you twist the skin on your arm like a Chinese burn) He got a bruise similar to that on his butt when he slipped getting off the couch. Jake is also a bleeder, mostly with bruising rather than an open wound. He actually has a thread in H & M right now. I'd keep an eye on it also. As long as it isn't spreading much more, or in another spot then he should be fine.
  4. Glad to see an update, and a positive one at that. Hang in there and get stronger Deeni, we are all praying for you.
  5. A couple of pics of my sad old boy. He hasn't eaten anymore for me but is drinking and going out when he needs to. Right now he's laying on a bag of frozen corn. You can see his right leg is bigger than his left. He has bruising top to bottom right to his toes.
  6. Yay! He ate about 2 tablespoons of tuna and a milk bone. Plus he drank some water on his way back from outside.
  7. Awww kisses to his handsome booboo head. Sorry I had nothing more to offer you last night Jen.
  8. Welcome to you and your girls from Canda's capital!
  9. Jake started limping yesterday. He got worse through the evening, although I couldn't at first figure out where he was hurting. It became clear it was his right front leg and I began to think shoulder. I gave him some metacam and a few hours later added a tramadol. On to this morning and he couldn't get up on his own. I used a towel and once he was on his legs he was able to get outside and downt he 2 steps then return inside. His right paw is slightly swollen. I'm praying it isn't the TBD, he finished his second course of doxy at the end of July. On a positve though he isn't showing his usual set of symptoms so......... I hope for a simple injury. He isn't eating or drinking, refuse a piece of tuna from my hand. Now he's mad because I syringed some gatorade and water into him. Tough! He'll get over it right? We have a vet appointment at 3:15. I say this all the time, but I do love our vet. She wasn't at our regular clinic today, but at the one in the next town. We were able to get an appointment there instead of waiting until tomorrow. She came in and dropped to her knees and her burried his head in her chest. Jake loves Miki. She had his whole file faxed over so we were good to go. Decision - it is not the TBD phew! His foot is swollen, but he is really sore in his shoulder muscle, which is what I thought watching him walk last night. The swelling just drops down due to gravity. His whole leg is bruised too. Best guess is that he bumped into something or collided with Peanut playing or jumping on the fence to rid us of Squirels. We know he's a bleeder so Miki is pretty sure that is why he is so sore and bruised. So, rest, ice, metacam, tramadol and in a day or so massage. If it gets worse, or isn't improved considerably by Tuesday I'll take him back and she'll do an x-ray, but at this point she is pretty sure it's muscle and soft tissue.
  10. Thanks Kyle for posting the info for OSU. Amputation alone is simply pain management, so that is what I think your vet was meaning. However many dogs do really well on chemo (which OSU will provide free of charge to retired racers) and live for many months to years. It's a very personal decision, one that depends on the dog, their family and financial situation. Let me know if you need any further info or support. Janet Hope for Hounds
  11. I've been thinking of her lately Tracey. Cosmo sure was a special girl. I am so grateful we got to spend time sharing a villa with you at Sandy Paws.
  12. How awful for you. Prayers and healing thoughts headed Deeni's way. for you.
  13. Hugs for you and prayers for Hero.
  14. Peanut is like that, but only if we are in someone else's vehicle or if I'm not in ours. I'm pretty sure for her it is stress induced, since she can go long distances in our car and no puking. When I know we are going in someone else car I give her a Melatonin an hour before we leave. That seems to work. Anti nausea meds do nothing.
  15. Really? I've been so worried. Just went up and read the first post. Between Vegas and the fosters, you've been busy.
  16. You have my prayers. If the vet didn't do an x-ray, how does he know it isn't broken? Not that I want Vegas to have broken leg, but...........it's a better option. Hoping and praying that its something else.
  17. He was a beautiful boy. I remember his well.
  18. Amazng = Darcy She is truly a miracle girl Bev.
  19. That is odd, and I am praying that it is not osteo. So glad you are getting Dr Couto to look. My friend recently had 4 vets in the office convinced her hound had osteo. Dr Couto and Dr Dyce reversed that and said in this case it was new bone formation. The hound in question had a really bad (3 bone) break almost 3 years ago.
  20. Nancy, there really are no words. Just know I care. Godspeed Bobbi
  21. I'm so very sorry. It's always hard, but with a 2 year old............ Godspeed Spike
  22. I'm so very sorry. My deepest sympathy to his family and friends.
  23. You've got some good advice Lene, and he seems to be drinking which is what you want. Wish I could help more, but I will keep him in my prayers.
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