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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Welcome to GT! I was going to comment that You have Bear's littermate, but Judy beat me to it. We know Trish through our Follow That Hound connection. You have a beautiful family.
  2. Here's a picture of one. I couldn't find them on her website but I'm sure if you contact her you could get one. My link
  3. I know someone who makes really cute ones. I'll go dig up the info for you.
  4. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Blue! Run with the angels.
  5. You've got my good thoughts Donna. FWIW when Jet hurt his neck, his shoulder muscle was vibrating on that side. Although he was altogether "there" so .............
  6. EMT spray is great. I also use colloidal silver for anything my guys get. It's antibacterial and it increases healing time.
  7. Welcome home Fort. Looks like you are settling in well.
  8. I'm so very sorry. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
  9. Apollo, one of Cathie and Bill's beloved babies left us very early yesterday morning.
  10. 3 years, how can that be? I'm so lucky, I got to spend a vacation with Angie. She almost broike my nose because Mary forgot to tell me she didn't like to be kissed. Then early one morning there was big thump and Mary's panicked voice "Angie's stuck" Angie had fell between the wall and the bed. The bed was moved and Angie just lay there like "what? I'm taking a nap here." I remember this day, all I kept thinking is "please girls like this boy"
  11. Wendy and Kevin, I am so very sorry. I met Donner my very first Sandy Paws, he was a beautiful boy. I so enjoyed reading your tribute to him Wendy. Oh how he must have groaned everytime you headed north to Jax. Godspeed Donner run with your original pack, but don't forget to send Mom and Dad a sign.
  12. Sending prayers and healing thoughts your way. The first week home is an adjustment for both of you. There is a group of people going through the same thing here, you might want to chat with them for advice. link
  13. Poor sweet girl. We had a hound do that at Sandy Paws a few years ago. He screamed and landed at the bottom of the villa stairs with his side hanging open. Thanks to GIJenn and a team of calm volunteers we got him bandaged and off to the eVet for a fix up. He has a scar, but the reason is still a mystery. The best we can figure is the stair rail, but....................we'll never know for sure.
  14. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something more I could do.
  15. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Bubba Make sure to send your family a sign.
  16. HopeForHounds


    I'm so sorry Glenn. I am stunned to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Godspeed Emily, I know that there was a grey group of hounds to meet you.
  17. Nice update Eva. And a baby that is so exciting! Congratulations to you and Tim. I'm not worried, if it is half greyhound you both have all the skills you need to raise it. Seriously you will make incredible parents.
  18. Welcome home pretty girl. We'll look forward to your settling in adventures.
  19. Oh my, he is so handsome. You are all very lucky indeed.
  20. Eva, I'm just seeing this now, and I'm so glad to see that pretty Bailey is improving. Sending healing thoughts to Bailey as well as hugs to her, you and Tim. I was just looking at the picture I took of her when I first met you. Remember I fell in love with her pretty face? She showed me what Peanut might look like when she grew up. Peanut was only 3 months old at the time, and now she is 5. Where has the time gone?
  21. My bridge angel Foxy was diagnosed with LP 2 years before she left us. Interestingly enough she had had a hemangiopericytoma removed 2 years prior to that. We opted not to do the surgery, mostly because we didn't find a vet who had a lot of experience doing the surgery. We did manage to keep her comfortable and crisis free for those 2 years with only one hospitalization. Keeping her cool was crucial, as was keeping her calm with no trips outside the house as that would get her too excited and made her breathing worse. We inititally treated with benedryl, but had pred on hand to give if the benedryl didn't work. We learned the hard way not to take her ANYWHERE 6 months later as I had taken her to a friends where we were having a blood donor clinic. The vet techs who ran it were going to do a blood panel on her. I figured we would be okay as medical help was there, and she was familiar with the house and people It turned out to be a really bad move. She got really happy excited, and wouldn't settle down. We gave her some pred which she promptly vomitted. Then her breathing became really laboured. It took her home and when after 15 minutes she didn't improve we took her to an eVet and she was admitted in guarded condition. The next day, our vet sent her home and gave us something to calm her should we ever need it. We never took her anywhere but the vets from then on. She actually did pretty well with her own treatment plan for another year. In the end Foxy left us when her body just gave up at age 13 3/4. Ironically her breathing was fine at the end.
  22. I'm so relieved for you and for Camp. Let me know if you need anything.
  23. Bosha lived 3 years and 8 months. If you PM me, I'll have his Mom, Barb, contact you.
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