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Everything posted by Newgreymom

  1. Pawz have been a life saver around here. Daisy freezes up very easily, so I've been putting the Pawz booties on and she's fine. I bought the small for Daisy and large for Dylan. They fit perfect....
  2. What is the proper name when a vet inserts a needle into the bladder for a clean catch for a urinalysis? I cannot for the life of me think what it is called right now. Thanks...
  3. Forgot to add that we just moved to Grand Rapids, MI 7 days ago, and I didn't know this vet at all. I just thought a "normal" dose of antibiotics is usually 14 days.
  4. Dylan and Daisy got into their first fight after 5 years on Friday. She has about 15 stitches and the vet put her on Cephelaxin 500mg twice a day for 7 days. Is 7 days enough on the antibiotic?
  5. We used the homeopathic remedy Cuprum Metallicum 30C. It worked wonders! He has not had a seizure for over 1 year.... You can order it online from any reputable homeopathic company or at a good health food store. I believe the Vitamin shoppe has it also. Let us know!
  6. We are in the process of moving from Wisconsin to Michigan. In the mean time, Dylan peed blood and we took him to a emergency vet in Michigan. Urine tested positive for bacteria, red blood cells, and white blood cells, no crystals. They put him on Baytril for 2 weeks. No more blood, but I took a new sample in today and they found red blood cellls and crystals. They are cultering it so I won't know until tomorrow. I thought cultures take longer than 24 hours? Anyway, I'm alone, scared, and just freaking out! The vet also mentioned bladder stones. Could it still be just a UTI? I took the urine sample in right away, but it could have sat there for awhile. Anyone with any advise would be most appreciated...
  7. Let us know how he is when he's home and all settled in. Prayers for a quick recovery...
  8. Dylan gets it often. All I do is give him Rescue Remedy and it goes away immediately. You can buy Rescue Remedy at any health food place. A few drops in his mouth will do the trick. It's been a life saver here...
  9. I'm glad he is doing better. It sounds like he's on the mend. I think the bag balm is a good idea. Anything soothing...
  10. Amber, prayers coming your way for Soul. I'm sure they will figure out what's going on. He's at a great place...
  11. I found mine at the health food store I go to, but Enzymedica has a website and they have a store locator. Thanks Xan for finding a cheaper price for us!
  12. I was telling the owner of our health food store about Dylan's chronic diarrhea problems. He recommended we try Pet Digest made by Enzymedica. We started him on it over 4 months ago and he has not had 1 bout of gas or diarrhea. It's amazing. It's enzymes but they are "encapsulated" for better absorption. I don't have a scanner or I would print the ingredients. It's not that costly either. 100 servings for $26.98. I also talked to the Vet about it and showed him the bottle and he said if it's working don't change a thing. This poor dog has been on Tylan, Flagyl and many antibiotics to try to cure the problem. This powder has really been a life saver! Hope this info can help other dogs with the same problem. It's worth a try...
  13. Prayers for a "quick" and "calm" recovery. She is such a beautiful girl!!!
  14. I would really consider a chiropractor. It has helped Dylan tremendously!! Good luck. Prayers coming your way...
  15. My Daisy also went through this. All TBD test came back negative but we did start her on Doxycycline and her platelets starting going back up the next day. She also developed vasculitis (which Dr. Couto confirmed through her biopsy) and the Doxy worked on that also. Dr. Bill is right, I would start her on a course of Doxy right away.
  16. We sent Daisy's records and biopsy slides to Dr. Couto via Fed Ex. I had contacted him before sending them. He called me after reviewing everything and gave me his opinion. He's such a great Dr. and a very kind man. We also were not charged, but decided to send a donation for the Greyhound Wellness Program.
  17. It looks more like brusing than a rash. I would get a blood test and have her platelets checked. Let us know what the vet says....
  18. Poor Pave'. I hope she's OK. You'd know if she wasn't. Our Dalmatian bit a electrical cord once and had an accident right there on the spot....
  19. That's wonderful news!!! Keep us posted...
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