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Everything posted by Newgreymom

  1. Give her an 81mg aspirin right away in case it is a FCE or a stroke. When Dylan woke up one morning and couldn't walk, we were in contact with Dr. Couto and he said to give an 81mg aspirin right away and then a 1/2 of one every day for the rest of his life. He was walking normally within a few days. Completely healed after about a month. He is 100% now. Prayers coming for Lena....
  2. Daisy had her blood test the other day for her kidney issues. All the kidney levels are all back to normal since she's been taking her Chinese herbs. But there was one liver enzyme elevated. Her AST (SGOT) as 97 and normal is 15-66. All of the other liver tests were normal. (ALT, Alk Phos, GGT Bilirubin). Does anyone have any idea why this enzyme would be elevated? Our vet is out with knee surgery right now. Thanks for any advise...
  3. Houndznigz, I appreciate the concerns you presented. I don't know about all of those "technicalities". I'm just going on what I've seen with my dogs. They appear to be responding to the supplement, and that's all I care about.
  4. I started Daisy and Dylan on Arthro-ionx a couple of weeks ago for their stiffness when they get up. I can see a difference already! It's a different form of Glucosamine. It's a homeopathic formula with calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, glucosamine, 74 organic minerals and trace elements. It's a liquid, so it's really easy to give. I've tried different arthritis formulas and all it did was give them diarreha. This hasn't upset their tummies or their stools...You can check it out at wwwvetionx.com.
  5. Dr. Dodd's fan here also. Dylan's test was done at Michigan State and I emailed her a copy of the results and she gave me her thoughts...
  6. Sending healing thoughts for all!!
  7. The reason I do probiotics over yogurt is because the brand I use has about 15 different strains. It has been and Godsent...The one I use I order from www.mercola.com-
  8. Gas X works great when Dylan gets a tummy ache with the stretchies....
  9. Lucy, what about some Xanax for his anxiety? Daisy has horrible tstorm phobia and does so well on Xanax. We tried Valium on her and she just paced and panted..Just a thought. I hope the Previcox helps with the pain!!
  10. You might also try some probiotics for Bertie. You should be able to find probiotics at your local health food store. It has helped our Dylan tremendously with his bowel problems....Good luck
  11. Did you get him to vomit yet?? Maybe worth a trip to the evet??
  12. I was at the Vet today for Daisy and Dylans chiropractic and acupuncture treatments. He suggested that we start Dylan on Dasuquin for the start of arthritis in his back end. He gave me the information from the package and it looks OK...Was wondering if anyone has tried this product and how it worked. Thanks for any info anyone can give.
  13. Ducky, prayers coming your way for that darling little girl Nina...
  14. PLEASE CALL OHIO STATE! This just happened to Dylan 3 months ago. My vet administered aspirin immediately and he recovered 100%. Our vets are mistaking strokes for FCE. Dylan woke up one morning, couldn't walk, knuckling on the right side, circling to the right when he could stand. The aspirin was administered within 2 hours of the stroke and within days he was back to normal. He was dragging his right legs (front and back) for 5 days, but after that there was NO deficit. He is on 1/2 of 81mg aspirin a day and is back to his happy ol' self. If you PM me, I will call you and talk to you directly. I'm passionate about making our vets aware of strokes. They learned in vet school that dogs don't have strokes, which is completely wrong.....
  15. Diane, I didn't know Dr. Couto spoke in Michigan regarding aspirin therapy. Is there anywhere I can find the information he talked about?? I would love to read it and pass along to my vets here in MI. My vet in Illinois (we live both places) said he would never put a dog on aspirin therapy. I told him about Dr. Couto and the Wellness Clinic and he brushed me off. I'll never be back to him. My vet here in MI is extremely interested in it and has no problem with Dylan being on 40.5mg a day...
  16. I'm interested in finding out how many greys are on aspirin therapy after their strokes. Dr. Couto has Dylan on a 1/2 of 81mg aspirin a day and it seems to be doing a great job. His stroke was 3 months ago and he does not have any deficits what so ever. He was given a full aspirin within 3 hours of the initial stroke and then 1/2 every day since. Who else gives aspirin every day after their grey has had a stroke??
  17. I would definetley try acupuncture. It has helped Daisy tremendously. It's worth a try...Good luck and let us know
  18. We use digestive enzymes which help tremendously. The brand we use is Enzymedica Pet Digest, but it is costly. I'm sure there is other brands cheaper out there. We have NO more gas problems or diarreha in this house!!!
  19. Prayers for Elsie tomorrow. She is just beautiful!! Let us know how she does...
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