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Everything posted by Newgreymom

  1. No, we did not have his blood pressure checked. We were in such a panic at the time, I didn't even think to ask them to do it. Is blood pressure something they normally do?? I've never seen a blood pressure cuff at a vet. Just wondering...
  2. Dylan had an "episode" about 7 weeks ago. It looked like a stroke (couldn't walk, knuckling under on the right side, circling etc.) but today we went to a new vet and he suggested it might have been Vestibular Syndrome....He recovered extremely well within a week. He is on a half of 81mg aspirin a day in case it was a stroke. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?? The vet at the clinic we took him to immediately after the episode just became a vet and she was completely overwhelmed. Now I'm confused tonight...
  3. Just had Dylan's done at MSU and it took 5 days. We live in Michigan, so not sure if that matters or not. Let us know how it comes out...
  4. Daisy's platelet count was low recently on you CBC. It was 69. It also said that "Giant platelets were noted, which could indicate active thrombopoiesis." We are going to do another platelet count just in case. Is there ever any room for error here? I thought I read somewhere if the blood sits for any length of time, it can clump. Is that wishful thinking or did I actually read that?? Also, what are signs of thrombocytompenia?? She's acting completely fine. When I brush her teeth, there is no bleeding. She does have a hard time gaining any weight. She's never gained a pound since we adopted her 5 years ago. I wish I could say the same....
  5. Ducky, I completey understand...I have left Dylan out and almost forgot! Hugs to you, your husband and all the dogs...
  6. We have used Integrative Pet Care a lot! Dr. Julie Mayer (the owner) is wonderful. The facility is state of the art. Dr. Mayer has treated our Dalmatian, Lab, and both Greyhounds for various things. After treating our Dal with accupuncture and chiro, he never had another seizure and lived a very long life. (15 years). I would highly recommend this facility to anyone!
  7. His symptoms include a small stroke 7 weeks ago. Fully recovered. Very crabby lately towards Daisy and he's never really been before. Slightly lethargic but hard to tell on an 8 year old greyhound. He's gained almost 7 lbs lately without changing his feeding habits.
  8. Well, I just recieved results on Dylan's thyroid test from Michigan State. My Vet is waiting to talk to one of the endocrinologist's at the University. T4 11 low Free T4 by dialysis 1.9 normal Free T3 4.1 low TSH 34 Normal, but on the higher side I think my vet is stumped, that is why he is waiting to talk to the endocrinologist. Just wondering what your opinions are?? He does have symptoms of hypothyroidism.... Thanks for any advise you can give..Sandy
  9. Daisy has kidney issues and we do accupuncture, and chinese herbs (from the vet) Rehmannia Six Formula and Dianthus Formula. The combination has done wonders..My vote for going the holistic route
  10. The way I understand it is, they cannot diagnose hypothyroidism by the T4 alone. They need to do a complete thyroid blood panel. Dylan just had his T4 come back at 0.2 and it was 1.4 in 2007. Dr. Couto explained that it may mean nothing, but you must get a TSH, T4 and Free T4 done. I know Michigan State does a complete thyroid panel which is where Dylan is having his thyroid panel sent. His blood draw is tomorrow. Good luck! Let us know...
  11. You might be interested in using some digest enzymes. Dylan had poop problems for a long time, and we used Tylan which really helped. I started using digest enzymes and have not had a bout of the poops in ages. Just a thought for you...
  12. Dylan had his amputated in November. I was so scared, but it healed perfectly. He had about 7' taken off. NO MORE HAPPY TAIL!!
  13. Hope she heals quickly...Hugs to Katie
  14. They told me to put warm compresses on the drain and to keep the area clean. Any other advise??
  15. Dylan bit Daisy in the thigh 2 weeks ago. The vet in Chicago (we were visiting) stitched her up but didn't shave around the wound. Evidentally, it got an abcess, opened up and we were trying to heal the wound with Granulex. I couldn't take it anymore, so I brought her to a vet here in MI (where we live) and he sedated her, trimmed the edges, cleaned up the wound, restitched and put a drain in. My concern is, will the hole from the drain heal up? Is a drain normal procedure??
  16. Daisy is recovering from a dog bite and the sutures opened and now we have a pretty big wound. ( about the size of a dime) The vet gave me Derma Clens but that didn't seem to do anything, so I went and got Granulex. I just started using it yesterday but see no change. I'm freaking out!! Does anyone have any experience as to how long it takes to see a difference?? I'm putting warm compresses on it 3 times a day. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Prayers for Joey. I hope they find out what is going on and help him..
  18. No, his blood pressure was not checked. What mg. of aspirin was Pearl on? Sometimes it is a bleed instead of a clot and in that case, the aspirin isn't the right way to go.
  19. Dylan had a mild stroke 11 days ago. They used an 81mg aspirin to help with the clot and it worked. He had some paralysis on the right side which is now gone. Dr Jennifer Barker from Dairyland track was called (since she knows Dylan so well) and she was the one who recommended the aspirin therapy. She and Dr. Couto use this protocol. He will be on a 1/2 of 81mg aspirin everyday of his life per Dr. Couto. I justed wanted to share this with everyone in case this ever happens to your pup. Dr. Couto also stated he has not seen any relapse with a greyhound on the aspirin therapy!! We are SO greatful to Dr. Barker and Dr. Couto!!
  20. What issue is she having with her platelets? Are they low and if so, what is the number...
  21. I would definitely start him on the Milk Thistle at 1000 mg a day. Good luck...
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