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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Sending Lacers-take-your-meds-so-mom-doesn't-have-to-shove-them-down-your-gullet thoughts! Hugs
  2. All good thoughts are coming your way and I'll think of Scooter when the candle gets lit in the evenings.
  3. Patsy


    Goodbye, Charlie--you sound like you have earned a wonderful place at the Bridge with your brother and many other piggies.
  4. Patsy

    Sparkle N Carrie

    But she didn't leave for the Bridge alone--she had your love all around her and she knew that. When you feel you can, we'd love to see some pictures of precious Sparkle.
  5. "what Xan said" . . . . when you feel up to it, could you share some Freddie pix with us? *off to light a candle now*
  6. Wild Women rock! Old Wild Women rock best!!
  7. Man, is today a bad allergies day!
  8. Thinking of you today, Lacers . . . . and you're in on the candle every night! How's your dad doing?
  9. So where are our pictures of Gromit? There *are* rules, you know!
  10. Holding all good "just something stupid" thoughts from here!
  11. Always loved and always remembered.
  12. I think you have to put the shot for your discomfort into a glass container of some sort! Hang in there.
  13. Lacers, you can tell your mom that you and I talked and I'm going to throw a White Pebble in the Atlantic for you and for your daddy in just a couple days. Hang in there, sweetie, until they get your treatment figured out.
  14. Mustering all the white light I can find and sending it your way!
  15. Just seeing this--been on the road for 5 days. All white light I can muster is coming your way!
  16. Patsy

    My Milly

    Run with the angels, sweetie! Sudden is hard on you, but has to have been easier on her--which isn't any consolation right now, I realize.
  17. Sending all the gentle stripey tigergirl white light I can muster! Hang in there, sweetie . . . . long enough so you can get rid of that nasty horrible no good spleen and start getting better.
  18. Chancy, there's a candle going to be lit for you this evening in North Dakota . . . . hang in there and give the new drugs a chance to help you.
  19. Weenie, please look up Dusty and the two of you can recline in comfort and discuss being one-person kitties. (DH was "the person" and I was simply the pleasant purveyor of clean litter boxes, food, water, and Rx as necessary)
  20. Patsy

    Reko Becktemba

    That one little picture isn't nearly enough . . . . could you post some morel?
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