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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. When you're able, could we have some pictures of your sweetie? Run free and fast, Cherry!
  2. Am I the only one reading this post with my feet pulled up off the floor? Yikes! Wherever it is you live, may I say I'm glad I'm in ND??!! Good boy, Cooper, for not attacking That Which Must Not Be Mentioned.
  3. *sniffling and leaking* Incredible news!
  4. Patsy


    And who can forget Patti's attempts to explain that such-and-such an action "isn't pretty lady!" Hope it was a great day, sweetie.
  5. Your m-i-l has great instincts and Faith's understanding is just amazing. Good thoughts coming your way.
  6. Patsy

    Strange Dream

    Might I suggest you post quarterly? A year is a long time to wait for a newbie to hear about something as vital as "don't play with fire".
  7. Patsy

    Strange Dream

    Perhaps just a reminder that you may not have posted your periodic warning about the need for stickers on glass doors? I know whenever you do that newbies always respond with such gratitude for the warning.
  8. Just seeing this; surrounding Colfax and her medical crew with all the white light I can send from ND>
  9. Patsy


    Run with the wind, sweetie. Send your mom a sign that you and Mahogany are tearing up the place.
  10. *raising the chant "minor and fixable, minor and fixable, minor and fixable"*
  11. Patsy

    Birthday Girl

    Happy birthday, stunningly gorgeous girl!
  12. Patsy

    Loose Socks

    Nooooooooooooooooooo! No words, just a cyber hug.
  13. So I wasn't the only one who grabbed her calendar and noted it carefully so as not to panic??
  14. "what Xan said" "what Xan said" "what Xan said" *Repeating as necessary in ND*
  15. Patsy


    I know folks always say "it CAN'T have been xxx years!" . . . . but it truly can't have been 2 years since one of my favorite non-greys passed to the Bridge. Hugs to all of you.
  16. Asti, honey, think calm, restful, peaceful, healing thoughts . . . . for at least 12 hours, 'k??
  17. *of course* they waited until you didn't have your camera--did you expect anything less??
  18. Maybe a picture of your sweet Spirit? I hope you have many more days filled with happiness together.
  19. Pave', you stop worrying your mommy and settle back to all your "good works"
  20. Yikes! Riley'll be "in" on tonight's candle.
  21. I know it sounds inadequate, but would a cyber hug help????
  22. Run whole and free, sweetie . . . . you are a gorgeous boy!
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