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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Okay, so what was I doing with my fingers all up in Happy's hoo-hoo, you want to know? Well, settle down! I was going to tell you! :P Geeze! :rolleyes:


    See, she gets a little funky back there, so part of our morning routine is to put a little bag balm (or prescribed ointment if it gets nasty) into the folds around her girlie bits, which means pulling it apart gently to get in there.


    Are we all thinking "Man, the stuff we do for our dogs!" :P:lol


    Anyway! :rolleyes:


    So, this morning, I'm doing this particular job, and I see a bright red little bump come through the middle. So, of course, ack, right? Or maybe not. Maybe that's just another normal girlie part that just isn't usually exposed, so it's normally red and skin-less looking and all. Maybe it's her happiest girlie part, and all this routine handling of her hoo-hoo is okay with her after all? :blink:



  2. I'm so sorry. You absolutely did right, letting him free from the pain. It's so hard for us, left behind, but you did the compassionate, impossible job.

    Hold onto that as you move through the pain, and hold him in your heart with your memories of the good life and love you shared with him.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  3. :bighug :bighug


    I'm sitting here in fog of tears for all the pain cancer has caused (and will cause), but knowing that what folks are saying about taking the moment and living it, instead living as if your friend was already dead, is such important advice.


    Is it worth splinting the affected leg to support it?

  4. Well, let me be the first to welcome you from the way northwest! :D

    You're right. GT is awesome, and there are so many helpful and wonderful people here along with their hounds!

    Congrats on your puppies, and good luck getting any schooling done at home until they're about 4 years old! ;):lol


  5. Big ditto on the bite-not collar (or fold a bath towel in 1/4s or 1/3s longwise, wrap around her neck and duct tape it on, so she can't turn her head that tightly to lick) and /or the muzzle with tape!!!


    This is a lot for you, but you can do this. Will hydrotherapy help still? Maybe leaving it open with the restrictions to her licking will be okay, if you can keep her environment clean and safe?


    Good luck to you all, and big hugs.


  6. Owey. As well as taking him to the vet, maybe you can get him some booties with rubbery feet so he can be more secure on the wooden floors. I've seen many varieties for sale (one of mine wears booties on walks, so I'm in the market pretty often).


    I hope he feels better soon!

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