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Posts posted by Xan

  1. 12 years +! That's a testament to your care and the love you shared with Bear.

    My heart goes out to you now. May your loving memories of him give you some comfort now and in the future.


  2. Poor Sol! You'll be better soon, buddy. :wub:


    Happy had a cut that went through the webbing between the toes from one of the other dogs' claws when he stepped on her in a tight space. Stuff happens. It healed without stitches, but I did keep it clean and keep her from doing too much for about a week to give it a head start.


    Congrats on your new pup!

  3. And she might have worms. Make sure you get the vet to do a stool check.

    If you don't have a thermometer, you probably should get one. Very important to have in your medical supplies (we have one that's just for the dogs ;) ).

    Everything else BlackandBrindle said, I agree. Maybe don't try to feed her anything at all for the day to let her digestive system concentrate on working out whatever's going on (but make sure she gets plenty of water), and start tomorrow with boiled rice. Do a search here for "bland diet" to find what others have used.


    Keep an eye on her gums. If they start looking too pale, or too pink, that's not good. If you pinch up some loose skin on the back of her neck, and it doesn't pull back into shape quickly, that's a sign of dehydration, too.

    Good Luck!

  4. Hi and welcome from up north of you in Custer! Three of my four hounds came to me through PSGA, too. There's a haul coming this weekend, and we get to be a stopping off point for the 7 dogs going over the border to Canada! :bounce:


    As for signatures, there are guidelines posted here and in your "controls" section. If you donate to GT, you can upload it to your very own gallery, and link to it from there.


    Looked at your website yesterday. You might hear from us someday to do boarding. :)

  5. Reading all this ... I didn't know this stuff. What a lousy deal.

    But, on the positive side ('cause that's what we're about, right??), with the drugs as balanced as possible (and whatever other alternative therapies might be helpful), the life they will have is one based on quality over quantity. Concentrated, distilled, dense, juicy, tasty, happy life. :)

    :bighug :bighug

  6. Custom chant for Shanti and Mia:

    *Pain is passing out of your joints, and into your stuffies. Kill the stuffies, and the pain can't come back!* *Pain is passing out of your joints, and into your stuffies. Kill the stuffies, and the pain can't come back!* *Pain is passing out of your joints, and into your stuffies. Kill the stuffies, and the pain can't come back!*


  7. Love to raise his CBC and appetite! Sounds like a good chant to me! :)

    *Love will raise Alex's CBC and appetite! Love will raise Alex's CBC and appetite! Love will raise Alex's CBC and appetite! Love will raise Alex's CBC and appetite!*



  8. I believe that Sonny felt that he got to share in the love and lives of a few wonderful, loving families, and felt it as a good thing, to know and love so many caring people. I'm sure he knew you didn't "get rid of him" because you didn't love him, and felt all the love in his new family, too.


    Huge hugs to all who loved and lost Sonny.

    :bighug :bighug

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