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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Sounds yucky at your house, Trish! :P In our house, this would be (another!) case of less is more: simplify what they're taking in, and watch what comes out. Take samples to the vet. Bet it's not giardia. Seems to mostly affect puppies, I've read. But, it's also just about impossible to find in a stool sample test, so you'd have to rule it out by symptoms and treating "as if". (Went through that with Wabi for the first year or so we had her!)


    Good luck if you do try the pepto. I've never given it to a dog that kept it down! Blech!

  2. I'm here just thirding what Silverfish and JillysFullHouse say. :nod

    I have a pup whom we've worked hard to get to be non-aggressive with our other male, and we've made great progress, but I would never put out high-value, long-lasting treats without me being present, or even where they could feel each other's gaze. Not worth it, at all. However, water is a free-for-all, all day, and is never an issue. It's not high-value (despite being vitally important!)


    As for the owey, keep it clean and keep an eye on it, I'd say.


    Good luck with your new boy! Deep breath, move forward. :)

  3. Hi, and welcome! :D


    There are several people her on Greytalk who have both, and will probably be along with better replies. :)

    From my own reading about IGs (thought about them before we got greyhounds), potty training is one of the biggest issues with the little ones. Greys are fairly easy to housetrain, generally. They'll probably seem like a cake-walk after IGs! But there's a big difference in scale, so using peepee pads for greys is .... maybe not such a great idea! ;) Lots of good discussions here about potty training. A couple good references are Adopting the Racing Greyhound for Dummies, and ... uh ... oh, fooey. I forget the name of the other one. Well, someone will remember. :P


    Now, the important thing to remember is, we will need pictures of your "kids"!!! :D You can get in real trouble around here if you don't give us pictures to soothe us! :lol

  4. Owey! :( You might want to give her some arnica, in case she's feeling a bit bruised from her tumble, too.

    Chanting: *No more oopsies on the stairs, and this one will be just a scab tomorrow! No more oopsies on the stairs, and this one will be just a scab tomorrow! No more oopsies on the stairs, and this one will be just a scab tomorrow! *

  5. Oh man. You do have a full plate, don't you? :bighug

    For Gus, have you tried Nutritional (not brewer's) yeas? It has Vit. B12 in it, which is great for stimulating appetite (and increasing vigor in general), and they all LOVE it. Tastes like cheese! :) I hope you can sort him out so he's comfy...


    For Battle, we went through that with Brilly the first year we had him. What worked in the end was to soak his foot (wet a rag in very warm salt water, wrap the foot, then bag it and just sit/lay with him for awhile), then with a pin and strong reading glasses, I just went in carefully and dug around. Eventually I worked out a tiny grain of sand (the original object was a pebble, but it left a hole, which then got other stuff in it). Once I was pretty darn sure I had gotten everything out, I put a piece of duct tape on the hole, big enough to almost cover the whole pad. Replace as necessary for awhile, 'til the hole is gone. It worked! :)


    Yardman...The doc will tell you more.


    For all and sundry, chanting: *Get the heck better! What are you thinking, stressing your mom!? Get the heck better! What are you thinking, stressing your mom!? Get the heck better! What are you thinking, stressing your mom!?*


  6. Glad they were able to control her pain.

    Now, about those spurs? You haven't figured those out, yet? :rolleyes:

    Those are her little devil horns! She's been hiding them all this time in a typically sneaky way. Who would think to look at her elbows for her horns, afterall? :lol Well, if they're bothering her now, it's just karma for all the bother they've caused YOU all these years, but still, we humans are so compassionate, I'm sure you'll forgive her and make it better. ;)

  7. Alex! :wub: It's wonderful how he just takes each day, each moment as it comes, happy or not so much, then on to the next thing. There's a good lesson there for us all!

    Good luck with this round of treatment, and a good summer as a family ahead of you!!

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