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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Just seeing this, and adding my chanting to the mix:

    *Cofax, your innards need some attention, but you'll be fine!! Pretty soon, you'll be home milking your people for special meals brought to you in bed (their bed? ;) ) :wub: Cofax, your innards need some attention, but you'll be fine!! Pretty soon, you'll be home milking your people for special meals brought to you in bed (their bed? ;) ) :wub: Cofax, your innards need some attention, but you'll be fine!! Pretty soon, you'll be home milking your people for special meals brought to you in bed (their bed? ;) ) :wub: *

  2. Yowch!! Good thing he's home with you. Like someone said, remain as positive as you can. It will help everyone else! Pain meds are your friend, eh?


    If they're all willing and you can find it, I highly recommend some nutritional yeast added to everyone's food, especially Charger's. The B vitamins help the body to deal with stress, help healing, and general vitality and appetite. It's yummy, too!


    Take care of yourself, too! (Have some of that nut. yeast yourself! sprinkle it on popcorn or pasta or just about anywhere but icecream! Mmmm!)

    :bighug :bighug

  3. Oh dear!! You poor thing! I can well imagine what heck you are in right now. Please let us know when your guy is out of surgery, but we're starting up the chants right now, so I know it will be great news. :nod:


    *Charger is fine, one fine doggy, soon to have a uber cool racing stripe! He'll be home and working you for treats and meals in bed in no time! :wub: Charger is fine, one fine doggy, soon to have a uber cool racing stripe! He'll be home and working you for treats and meals in bed in no time! :wub: Charger is fine, one fine doggy, soon to have a uber cool racing stripe! He'll be home and working you for treats and meals in bed in no time! :wub: *

  4. Feeling your pain! When our boys get their feathers ruffled (as now :rolleyes: ), one or both start peeing in a couple predictable places.


    First order of business is to get it cleaned up with an enzymatic cleaner and/or vinegar and/or hydrogen peroxide, etc., so they don't get inspired to re-mark because of the smell.


    Second, if you're there for the after-eating period when pee happens, take them right out after food, then maybe leash them to you so you can keep a close eye on them and their signs (the umbilical method).


    Third, if they're home for a long period (like, 5+ hours) with no way to get outside to pee "legally", maybe you can arrange for someone to let them out for a potty break. A neighbor, friend, professional ....


    I don't know if this works or not, but it makes ME feel better. If I find pee, I don't punish anyone since I didn't see who did it. But I do make a huge fuss and noise about it and how mad I am and all, and kick everyone out to the yard if possible. (Not "kick" literally! :P ) Everyone knows that pee in the house makes me mad. At least, that's what I like to think. :P One of these phases doesn't usually last very long for us.


    Good luck!!!

  5. Oh Xan, I'm so sorry that happened! And things like that always seem to happen when you're low on $. I know. :(


    Peroxide is cytotoxic (kills the new cells that are trying to grow). Best bet to cleanse wounds is saline. Betadine is generally only used on intact (closed) skin - if you want to use it, don't put it directly on the suture line. Speaking of sutures, they usually come out in 10 - 14 days.


    I've used that fight-breaking-up method you mentioned (pulling away by the back legs) a few years ago. Stephanie was VERY food-protective when she first got here - I fed her in a gated area, but one day Henderson bulldozed throught the gate & went near her. It was almost a catastrophe, but I was able to pull him away using that method (while my nephew grabbed Steph by the collar). It worked, but then again he's so low to the ground and his legs are only a few inches long.


    Sending healing thoughts to Brilly, and :grouphug to you!

    Cytotoxic! Ah! Okay. I haven't been using HP since the first night, but that's a good reason to know! :) I still don't have any betadine, but also good to know to stay away from broken skin. I was told these sutures are "totally dissolvable", and won't need to be removed, though they might take more than a month to completely disappear. Cool!


    Oo! Glad your fracas with Henderson and Steph worked out okay. They're still buddies though, right? (My first reaction was, "It's been 'a few years' since Stephanie joined you?? :P ) Good to know someone with practical experience with the technique. :)



    Sorry you had to go through all that. It seemed for a while that we were too...but it was because of a foster that didn't mesh right with our pups. He got Snowie ...then Dodge got the foster...maybe because the foster had gotten Snowie? :dunno It was all fine once the foster left...but talk about being on edge. Jeez.


    I use water with a little bit of bleach inside..like a 1/25 ratio...and spray it on to keep the wounds clean. I love my EMT gel too....


    I know what you mean about times being tight...I'm hoping to buy some new lettering from you...I just am not sure when I will be doing that. It won't be a lot...but it's something?

    Bleach water? hm! I get the concept, but I'm wondering if it's not too harsh, even diluted? Or toxic if licked? :unsure:

    I have EMT gel. I used it also the first night, but haven't since. It looks like there's not much to be done with it, it's so snug! No scab necessary!




    FWIW, unless you're doing something like cleaning drain holes or applying gentle heat to help drainage, I try to leave the suture line alone as far as possible. If it gunks up, as long as it's just some dried blood and serum, I leave that be. Around those areas, where things get messy, I tend to clean up with just plain old water and maybe a smidge of mild soap.


    Sending scritchies and healing thoughts to your sweet Brilly.


    That's what I did do. Just warm water in a squirt bottle, blotting where it dripped off at the bottom. It actually seemed to ease the scabby tightness a bit for him afterward. It was pretty oozy for the first day or two, but it's looking very anticlimactic, now. :P I have a T-neck on him to keep general stuff (bed fuzz, grass, dirt, flies, Pogo) out of it, and it seems to have wicked a tiny amount since yesterday, but nothing much. Unless things get infected (unlikely), I think he's on his own to wrap up the healing! :)


    As for Pogo, now, that's another story! :rolleyes: He's SO on NILIF! I don't even pay attention to him unless I call him over and ask him to do something first. He's wearing a long leash in the house, so I can step on it or grab it and reel him in if necessary without going face first into a fray, and a muzzle unless he's eating or getting his teeth brushed, pretty much. We're at square one 'til he earns his way back to square two.

    No worries, though. He's quick, and has already figured out how to get the loving he truly deserves. We're doing lots of training and exercise to help de-stress and de-hyperize, too. We've had a few growlies, but that's it so far (*knocking on wood*).


    Thanks for all the good info and good wishes, y'all!!

  6. Just seeing this! So, if her bandages come off, will she be safe to walk around, dirt-wise? If you haven't got them on hand, Pawz are great for a really quick, simple, waterproof bootie. Maybe you could just put those on for potty walks, if necessary. I saw them here on GT, and bought a package, but haven't had to use them yet. Knock on wood! :P


    Well, good. Her thyroid is where it belongs, so let the healing begin! :)

    Gentle hugs to Herself!


  7. Poor Brilly. :( I hope he feels better soon. They did a great job of stitching him up though.


    When Teagan had a wound on his lower neck, near the shoulder, regular t-shirts sat too low to cover it. I used an adult turtleneck and that did the trick. I had to roll up the sleeves though, because they were too long for his legs.


    I agree with JillysFullHouse, the dogs will probably be worked up over this for a few days. Maybe even longer than that, if Brilly is feeling defensive and in pain. Watch them VERY carefully.


    As for prevention, maybe they were in too tight quarters when you came in from outside? I have dogs that redirect too, and it usually happens either at a barrier (closed door, window, fence, gate, etc) or in a cramped space like a doorway or hallway. I would take the dogs out in pairs from now on, to prevent that congestion when leashing up and going out, and coming back in. Best of luck with this.

    Oh, we're watching VERY carefully! In fact, the weather's been nice, so Pogo's been outside and Brilly inside mostly. We've had a few stare-and-growl incidents, which we've sternly corrected verbally, and followed up with a muzzle, if it wasn't already on. I hope that's the right approach. I'm going to add a long leash that he'll just drag in the house, so I'll have a handle if necessary.


    Brilly is very shy of Pogo right now, unsurprisingly! Since they've been separated a lot, Pogo's pretty in-your-face curious about Brilly, which makes Brilly nervous. I'm restricting his attentions, and doing the serial tricks-for-treats described by Practicepiano elsewhere. It looks like it's going to take awhile. :(


    I did just read this article again describing how to break up a dog fight without getting bit, by taking hold of the dogs' back feet, and walking them backwards and in a circle (so he's busy trying not to fall on his face and can't curl around and bite you) away from the fight until you can release him into another enclosure (room or pen or kennel). This will only work in certain situations, unlike the other night, but I'll keep it in mind.




    Suggestion: get some Betadine instead of peroxide. I bet a nurse/doctor/vet tech can explain why, but I've been told that peroxide isn't the best thing.

    True....peroxide is okay using it once, but if you continue to use it, it kills the good bacteria. Betadine or a good first aid wash is best.There's a better explanation than "kills the good bacteria" but that's how I've always understood it. Good thoughts for Brilly, and Pogo too

    Yes, the peroxide was only for the first cleaning. I need to get some betadine or other non-sting-y anseptic cleaner.


    The wound has been seeping a fair amount, though it seems to have slowed today. I've cleaned it up a few times, WITH a muzzle on him (duh! This I didn't think to do??? It's a wonder I still have my nose and fingers! :rolleyes: ), and it looks just the same. No extra bruising or swelling.


    Sending good thoughts for everyone: Xan, Brilly and Rowdy :grouphug

    Thanks!! Rowdy's doing really well, btw. Thanks for thinking of him, too. :)



    What is it? Fight vibes in the air?? I didn't realize others were having trouble too 'til someone mentioned it here! :(

    Hugs to all of you also dealing with the scary stuff!


  8. What did you all experience when you were handling the suture area? I think Brilly hit the wall tonight. I was trying to put a warm compress (not too hot) on it, but the Bad Cat was trying to climb under me and yowling (his favorite way to be the center of attention), and Brilly threw his head up with a snarl-bark. I decided to take the cat out of the way and leave him alone for the time being. I don't know if the snarl was at me or the cat or both of us, but he was DONE. And Pogo got up growling (instantly collared by DH). :(


    Arnica is great stuff, always on hand here in Casa Blackburnia de los Bruisos. :P I'm not familiar with Otic Nolvasan. I'll have to look that up.

    I had Pogo try on a weird arrangement of a one-legged pajama bottom with the waist band around the opposite front leg ... but it looked like it would be too painful to wrestle on and off, so I scrapped it. I have the same concern about the turtleneck, but I'm not going to worry about it 'til it looks like he needs it protected, which he doesn't seem to at the moment. He can't lick it, and he's not ready to try scratching it. We'll see how it goes.


    I've plugged the DAP diffuser back in. We still had one bottle left. I'll move it from room to room wherever Pogo is 'til I can get another refill. We seem to be back to square 1. *sigh*

    Thanks for the well-wishes!!


  9. Hope Brilly gets well soon!


    Same thing happened to Kebo. He sleep-startled our foster at the time and caught a claw to the neck. It looked so superficial and clean from the outside but ended up needing multi-layer closure and a drain. Something like $500 when it was all over and done with.


    Healing was quick and there was no further drama between the two boys (the foster was with us for another 2 months afterward). Hopefully this was just one of those freak things that happens.


    Maybe Pogo should get a part-time job to help pay for the damage to your wallet...

    Psh! You got THAT right! :rolleyes: If I could figure out something he could do for money, besides be a trainer for fighting pit bulls! (SO kidding!!!! :P ) Glad Kebo and friend worked out their thing quietly!



    Sending good thoughts for a quick recovery! When Jersey had shoulder surgery, we used a turtleneck (adult), with the sleeves cut off:

    That looks pretty good! :)


    Xan, I'm so sorry this has happened. That's the problem with packs with one who tends to be aggressive, I should know! I hope he recovers quickly. Just a word of caution, which you probably already know, but around here when things erupt like that, all the dogs are a little on edge for a few days afterwards. It takes them a while to settle down after something like this. I always watch carefully and every little snark for a few days gets a big response from mom.


    Pogo, don't make me send Valentino up there to straighten you out little man. :wub::lol


    Hugs to you Xan, I know exactly how unnerving this can all be.

    Thanks! Yeah. *sigh* It's a definite part of multi-dog households. We will all be watching closely. When I brought Brilly back in, Pogo greeted him all wiggles and wags, but I held him back, praising him for being friendly, but keeping him from being too pushy. Brilly held very still to get sniffed at the groin, then the neck, then the face ... but then growled, so that was that. Greeting over. At least Pogo isn't feeling mean right out of the box. It's all over as far as he's concerned, it seems... but our guard is up!! :nod:



    Naples? What happened?? Now I have to go find out! I hope he's okay!!


    I haven't posted yet, but I will.And Naples is a girl - not that I am upset, but it is integral to the story! :lol


    Oops! :blush: Well, I hope SHE'S okay, and I'll keep my eye out for your posting!


    Xan I am sorry! Hurt pups, nice vet bills all in one just sucks. How big is Brilly? I may have a kid turtleneck I can send up to you. I have to look. Trevor would share. :) Shanti is 60lbs and it fit on her last time I had one and it would have been a bit smaller.


    I hope Brilly heals quickly and easily. I also hope Pogo and crew settle down again. Very unsettling I am sure!

    Oh thanks!! You're so sweet. I think I have a turtleneck I can donate to the cause. Since I buy (IF I buy) my clothes from second hand establishments generally, I'm not too attached to them, y'know? :lol


    They fit, I think I got a 3T? I have a picture on my old computer, I'll dig it up for you.


    edit: Well... this isn't the best angle, but hopefully you get the idea. The neck was high enough to cover his boo-boo.

    That looks great! Even stylish, in a apres ski sort of way! B)


    Well, he's home, he's finally stopped panting, and is sacked out here next to me. The girls at the vet's were both saying how sweet and well-behaved he is, not pulling them around on the leash and all, so gentle. Now, I'm no genius, but with a big ol' neck wound, how likely would he be to be yanking on his own leash? :lol But, he is a sweet, gentle fella, for sure. :wub: Now I've got two pets on twice daily antibiotics and wound care!

    Here's what it looks like now:



    You can't really see it in these pics, but there's already some edema starting. He always gets a bit of a hematoma when he gives blood, so it's not too freaky to see it here. Not sure if this is blood pooling or fluids. Doc didn't think it needed a drain. Y'know, it only occurred to me looking at the pics here that no one said anything about removing the stitches! I'll have to call on Monday to find out.


    *One more little fear rant* Happy is doing her hunger strike again! Still have no idea what that's about. Thought it was she didn't like the kibble, changed it, happy Happy for a couple weeks ... now she's not eating again - despite nutritional yeast! :rolleyes:


    Thanks again for all the comfort and support! I really DON'T want to make this a habit!! :P

  10. Toddler turtleneck? Hm. They fit?? I'm having a hard time picturing that ... But thanks for the idea. I'll have to see if I can figure that out.


    Naples? What happened?? Now I have to go find out! I hope he's okay!!


    Off to get my boy!

  11. $480.99. I feel Brilly's pain of the deep cut near the jugular! :P


    Anyway, he's already up and wobbling around, I've just been told. I can hardly wait to go get him! I hope this line of tiny sutures holds. Might have to put a booty on his back foot so he can't scratch. There's no way to cover it with a shirt or anything ... Maybe a modified snood sort of thing, with straps to go 'round his front leg to hold it down .... Hmmm...


    Thanks for the hugs, y'all. :blush:


    Rowdy is doing pretty well, thanks! :) I took out his drain last night, he's putting almost normal weight on the leg, eating, drinking, pottying, and cuddling like crazy. We had a little mishap with worming meds (had a great idea to pulverize the pills and mix it with the liquid antibiotics, syringe the whole mess all at once ... but it sort of foamed up ... and gained a lot of volume ... and my shirt ended up in the wash ... :P ) last night, but he seems to have forgiven all again this morning. :wub:

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