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Everything posted by packmom

  1. Pammie lost 19 teeth today! She still has her canines and one other small one. But they want to take those, too, after a couple of months of healing. Pam had a terrible mouth! She was from a hoarding/neglect situation and was in bad shape at first. She's chubby and fuzzy now but years a bad nutrition and dental neglect has taken it's tole. D:
  2. The azodyl is a good option. You don't have to wait till the end stage to get it. It's a probiotic and can't hurt. Dr Urie gave it to Shilo.
  3. So sorry for you and Twisty-girl. It's so hard when you can't fix them.
  4. Ticks are pretty bad in central OH right now but they decrease by August. And it does get really humid here sometimes.
  5. We did it for Shilo at age 12 and it was totally worth it! He did great after and never had a complication even though during the surgery they had trouble getting the suture to stay.
  6. I was so shocked to read about Crystal! She was too young to go so soon.
  7. This morning Shilo let us know he was ready to go. A few weeks ago we discovered his lymphoma was no longer in remission and then his degerative spinal disease became much worse. We had a wonderful extra year with him that we would not have had without our great friends at OSU Oncology.
  8. Wow, I cannot believe it has been 3 years!
  9. The Wisconsin protocol was very hard on Shi-those first 2 weeks are intense and he had trouble eating anyway. Not to discourage you from trying it. Zinger was the only one who did not have any problems with eating while on chemo here.
  10. Sorry to hear about Shilo. Rescue chemo? Anxious to hear the news from Jane on Thursday-- sending healing thoughts to Coutoland from NJ Not to hijack.... Dr Urie says the rescue drugs are not very effective and Shi has kidney issues which mean he can't have some drugs. He is near his lifetime cumulative dose of carboplatin. He has severe degenerative myelopathy and can barely walk some days. He is 13- it goes on.... Treating with Pred for now.
  11. Jane, we'll be waiting to hear how Thursday goes. Neither Suzanne or I got good news on Monday. Shilo is out of remission. We decided that we should not all sit together anymore at the hospital!
  12. With summer coming on you will probably see more symptoms. Shilo had the surgery last June at age 12. He was going through chemo at the time. We had to do something since waiting in the hospital really set him off and he was only half way through his chemo. He did fine and contiues to do well-no complications at all. They had trouble getting the sutures to stay. "Old man tissues!" But once they took they have stayed put. I heard it is common for them to pull out after a while. So far, so good nine months on.
  13. What KF said. Angel would do this sometimes and we later found she had high blood pressure. Just a couple of things to keep in mind but it may just be a fluke.
  14. Shilo had the tie back surgery last June at age 12 in the middle of his 25 weeks of chemo for lymphoma. He would get so stressed at the hospital that they had to give him some sedation to quiet his breathing. If we hadn't done the surgery he couldn't have continued with chemo and might not have survived the summer. He's did great with it in spite of the chemo and continues to do well even though they had difficulty getting the tie to not pull out during the proceedure. It has stayed put so far and no aspiration problems.
  15. Fingers crossed for good results. One year and one month ago Shilo was diagnosed with lymphoma when we found his glands swollen one day. He underwent chemo for 25 weeks and has had a year in remission and another birthday! He's 13 now and doing well cancer wise.
  16. Get after it right away. The rear end amp tends to get infected easier than front end. It may take several tries to find the right device to keep him from getting to it. Maybe some old boxers fitted at the waist with a rubber band or hair clip? Muzzels can do some damage if they insist on still trying to rub it.
  17. Good boy James! Hope your nights continue to be good.
  18. 5 days will give her a good long time to get on her feet and you'll be sure she's steady when she comes home. These first 2 weeks are going to be hard. You will second guess it because it is traumatic. You'll wonder why you put her through this. But it seems like at the 2 week mark they suddenly just bounce back.
  19. Thank you for sharing this!!! I'm at work and didn't have the sound on and I still cried!!! What a lucky boy. I will share this to my husband too. You're welcome. The surgery and the first 2 weeks are very tramatic as others can tell you but there can be a great life after.
  20. I'm sorry you have to go through this. It is a hard decision to make but sounds like you have a good chance for a good outcome! I don't blame your hubby for reservations-the 3 legged dog is something some people just can't deal with. But as an example I have included Zinger's video to show just what a wonderful life he had after amp! He ran just as fast and was just as happy as he had been on 4 legs. Happier because the pain was gone. It is a memorial video so maybe watch with the sound off. (Or box of tissues) It begins with him on 4 legs and includes some graphic post amp shots but if you can fast forward through that and show him Z running in the yard and counter surfing...
  21. Eating while in the hospital can be the last big hurdle for them!
  22. One big thing in leaving the dog is if you have other pets. Sorry, I don't remember if you have other dogs. Bringing pack members back together needs supervision and they should be separated for awhile. And I don't know if you've heard of the night screaming. As Jen said, nights seem worse. They will wake up sometimes with that scream of death. Not sure if it is real pain or the drugs but it sure scares you! They settle back down quickly and go off to dream land leaving you wide awake.
  23. Best of luck today! We've had very good results for hemangiosarcoma when found soon enough. Who is your surgeon and who will be your oncology resident? On the other hand we always have bad reactions with fentanyl patches.
  24. Same here. Angel had borderline kidey issues her whole life but did fine with Enalipril and Amlodopine.
  25. It sounds very much like Lumbrosacal Stenosis. The back legs get weak, somethimes one side a little more than the other. Trouble getting up, toes knuckling under while walking and losing bowel control. Like they don't even know they're doing it? Accupuncture is working very well for Shilo but it did not on my other old guy.
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