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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog


    Sending sympathy She sounds so sweet!
  2. Burpdog


    Bingo: I am very sad to hear the news. I wish I could have done something to help you while you were here. I wish I would have tried harder. You'll have a lot of people lined up for hugs at the Bridge--see you then.
  3. Burpdog


    Sounds all too familar to me. I had Solo for 4 months Sending my sympathy. Hold on to the fact that you gave him a chance & sent him off with love.
  4. Burpdog


    Please give your friend my deepest sympathy Also please convey my desire to voice an opinion to authorities on what has happened. Just need some guidance from you or her as to how to go about it.
  5. Burpdog


    How awful! Sending sympathy
  6. What a beautiful girl. Sending lots of sympathy & lots of hugs.
  7. I was here when it was born. I feel so old I remember thinking how I was not going to like this "new" board. I was wrong (the only time in my life ). Jeff & the moderators do a great job!
  8. Burpdog


    Very sorry to hear
  9. Burpdog

    Shiloh 1992-2004

    Sending my deepest sympathy
  10. Burpdog

    Goodbye, Rush

    My deepest sympathy
  11. Burpdog

    The Legacy

    Solo~ Summ Knockout, 8-4-1990 to 3-28-04 Even when life isn't fair and when it's especially tough, there is joy to be found in simple things like good food (liverwurst, cheese, roast beef) and soft ear scritches. When you are hurting, physically and/or emotionally, you adjust as best you can and plug away knowing there are good days & bad days. I watched him as his walking became worse, adjust his balance--the way he stood, walked, tinkled, stood at the food bowl, water bowl, & layed down. He never complained about his disability--he didn't like it, but he didn't complain. No matter how bad, or good he was, he always greeted me with chattering & glee, looking for hugs (he'd press into my leg). In other words, pain or discomfort is no reason for not loving and showing love. Four months was not long enough......
  12. Every time I think of Em & how many times you have shared her story even though it hurts, I get teary eyed (and many times just cry). Thanks for sharing. I tell her story and others to potential adopters when I do a home visit. Not to scare them, but to let them know it can and does happen. And, it's heartbreaking.....
  13. Burpdog


    That is very young to me too. Sending lots of sympathy
  14. Burpdog


    Went to the bridge this afternoon. I had decided it would be today or Wednesday as his walking had been getting worse. Acupuncture treatment on Tuesday didn't help much. Thursday he was tossing & pouncing on a stuffy (not very long, but he was pleased). Last night he ran the length of the yard. 3 a.m. he went out and pottied and was very unsteady. 7 a.m. had night poops (or so I thought). I cleaned him up and he slept awhile. Then he starting getting agitated because he couldn't get up. This had happened before, so I watched him a little while. It became apparent he was not going to be able to get up. Rosemary & I got him into the van. Dr. Baley gave him the shot while he was in the van so he wasn't hurt transporting him into the clinic. He went quick & very peacefully. I am going to miss his extreme chattering excitement when I walk in the door after work tomorrow. I hope he is chasing those squirrels and attacking any shower doors that are around the bridge I only wish I could have given him some more good months.
  15. Burpdog

    She's Gone...

    Sending lots of sympathy & hugs. It's very hard to lose a friend
  16. Burpdog


    Sending sympathy & crying with you.
  17. Sending sympathy & hugs. It's very hard to lose a friend
  18. Burpdog


    Sending my deepest sympathy & hugs
  19. What a shock! My deepest sympathy & hugs going your way
  20. Burpdog

    The Legacy

    Today would have been SieSie's 14th birthday, and earlier this month would have been Shadow's 15th birthday. A month of birthdays reduced to my sweet Heart's on the 27th (very big sigh). I still miss them, a lot. I've called Solo Shadow three times in the last two weeks. I don't think I'll ever make that mistake with SieSie After 7 months I still remember their extreme desire to live. Every time I don't want to get up and do anything (FM has a way of doing that to you), I think of their desire and how they managed to live and walk and do even when it wasn't easy. I also remember everyone's kindness during that diffult time: words, emails, gifts, etc. I still have some not acknowledged. It's something I still have to do. Every time I sit down to do it, I can't. I apologize to all those I have not acknowledged--it's been too painful and I haven't been able to push through it. Perhaps posting today will jump start me. So--SieSie & Shadow also left me with their desire & will to go on, no matter how difficult. Another tribute to them both.
  21. Thanks for sharing My Mom's been gone 7 1/2 years and even now, every once in awhile, I think "I'll call her". Then I remember and think "really long distance", don't think so Although is gets easier on a day to day basis, nothing ever fills the void of not having Mom here.
  22. My deepest sympathy She sounds so special!
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