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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog

    My Salvador

    Sending my deepest sympathy
  2. Sending my deepest sympathy. So young
  3. Manly sounds like a special guy. Sending sympathy
  4. Burpdog


    Please give them my sympathy
  5. Burpdog

    The Legacy

    For some reason, this thread has come to mind again and again over the past few weeks. I know that the bridge kids, all of them, have taught me not to give up until it is time........
  6. Burpdog


    Crying with you. Sending sympathy & hugs.
  7. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy It has to be hard.
  8. Sad I hope he runs with my kids.....
  9. My heart hurt when I saw his name Run big guy--as fast as the wind
  10. Sending sympathy & crying.... Has it only been 4 1/2 years? It seems like Starla was with you forever! She loved her party last week Starla - you can once more run like the wind!
  11. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  12. Sending my sympathy What a beautiful, sweet girl!
  13. Wells--quite a special guy and a lovely tribute. Sending sympathy. I know you will miss him very much
  14. Burpdog

    Old Fella

    It has been a very sad day and I've shed many tears. To Cheryl & Scott: I am so grateful on Old Fella's behalf that you provided the environment for him to gain dignity and experience love. There was enough time for him to do what he needed to do and to receive what he needed to receive. You could have given him no greater gift. To all who donated to the Old Fella Senior Fund: what great gifts so many of you gave. It gave Old Fella some comfortable last weeks and allowed him, because of the timing, to go to the bridge at home in a very timely manner. Although a shock for Cheryl & Scott, it was wonderful for him. I am sure Magic met him and the two old codger friends are now forever young and running and playing in fields of daisies.
  15. Burpdog

    I Am Just So Mad

    Many times I think we use anger to suppress the hurt. Perhaps you are angry still because you cannot yet handle the extreme hurt of the loss. I can tell you about some of the losses I have had. The only one I have felt anger with was Eliza because I blamed myself--I was angry with myself and the situation. Jesse who went from kidney failure -- I was frustrated. With all the others (10 in total since 1998) as well as Eliza & Jesse, I was sad and felt loss and my heart hurt. It is only the fact that I know they are free & running like the wind that keeps me sane. November is not that long ago. Sending prayers to you for peace and many
  16. Take comfort in that you gave her a forever home. She'll be waiting for you at the bridge.
  17. Sending my deepest sympathy, tears & hugs.
  18. 3 fawns and a brindle so I voted fawn I remember GreysGalgos comment: I wonder about this. I know Magic, whose thyroid values plummeted just before she went to the bridge, would support this. Several seniors I've had developed low thyroid, 4 out of 13, and one was gone within 8 months, two lived 2 years and Heart is still going (albiet very slow going) so it's been close to 4 years for her. I don't believe there is a color connection unless it is by geneology--perhaps related. True thyroid defiency is heriditary. There is a problem in coats and wellness in some dilution, for instance blues & fawns in Dobes. However, my fawn Dobe had no coat problems and her blue sister didn't either. Genetics I believe. The only Dobes I had with thyroid problems were a black and a red!
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