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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Some dogs cannot be crated. DES can be a nasty drug and affect platelets. To me, this does not sound like spay incontinence. How old is she?
  2. Could be those times she is not taking the time to empty herself. I found with my first grey that if I walked her at least once a day, she would empty and not have leaking.
  3. Fosters & Smith was $156.78 for 12 I don't remember Sentinel being that much more expensive. I wonder what happened?
  4. Omaha has a year for $125.98 (yikes!) Interceptor is $64.49 for a year. do you have that big a flea problem?
  5. Sending prayers. Ivey was on 100mg of tramadol every 4 hours.
  6. Thinking about you & Pebbles. If you email me your address, I'll send her some biscuits.
  7. Burpdog


    I can't believe it's been 2 years already She is so cute!
  8. I was in the vet's office the other day with Grace to get her rabies shot. An owner with a fluff came out (she was holding him) and she starting crying as she checked out. Her dog has heartworms and has been on Heartguard year round. She kept saying "I don't understand how this can happen". So, it can and it does. A yearly test is a small price to pay to catch hw early!
  9. I'd try a round of clavamox with him regardless of what the urine test showed to see if it clears up. I have had many that "hide" an infection. Sending prayers. edited to add: do not withhold water, do a full thyroid panel!
  10. Searching the tick list archives, paralysis, weakness and ataxia all symptoms of a tbd. Would your vet start on doxy at 5mg per # of body weight while you wait for a tbd panel results and the neurologist? What will it hurt? I'd try a shot of doxy and follow up with oral. I would also consult with a neurologist.
  11. I have found, from experience both myself and the dogs, when they need pred, the side effects are much less and take longer to appear. This is a major surgery and treatment plan--I would not second guess the vet. Use the pred! Heart was on 40mg a day at 14 1/2 yrs of age for 4+ months because she needed it. She had been on 20mg a day for over a year until then. My Dobe girl long ago was on 60mg of pred, step down dose with no ill effects.
  12. What did the vet say? If he needs the pred, he needs it
  13. What are his platelets and HCT? I know lots of people who use Protatek without any problems.
  14. Of all the antibiotics, cephalexin is the one that has bothered stomachs the most (and I've had several that could not take it at all). I ask for and put them on carafate with ceph. Sending prayers
  15. We should start a thread, titled "The Adventures of Percy's Box!" I can't wait to get home & see if it was me or the p.o. lady...... (and for those who don't know, first box there, second on the way and might be via DC)
  16. I'm sorry to hear the news. Because it has spread, she is not a candidate for more than making her last days enjoyable which you know. Several things: if possible, I'd combine tramadol with another med besides an NSAID. If you must use rimadyl, watch her stomach very closely and have blood work done in 2 weeks the first time to check her platelets and kidneys. Transfer factor is a good immune builder and may help. Feed her what she enjoys and get her off the SD. I'd go to a no carb, lower fat like EVO reduced fat or CORE reduced fat because of her age. Or, any food not real high in fat she enjoys. Sending prayers.
  17. Sounds like more than pannus. He could be shy because of the blindness. I hope he gets in asap to the specialist. Poor little guy
  18. Then she really is not converted to Eastern medicine. Sending prayers.
  19. How awful I've not seen bloat with blood. I'm wondering if she got into something? Poison perhaps?
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