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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Love my alternative vets! I remember a "regular" vet who was open to alternative and took the time to sit in on a chiropractic adjustment and then acupuncture visit. His comment some time after was that western medicine is great for trauma and eastern medicine for other "stuff" (I cannot remember his words) I always let my regular vets know when the kids are getting acupuncture and/or chiropractic. My chiropractic and now acupuncture vet used to do part time at one of my vets clinic so they know each other well The alternative vets I have used do not hesitate to recommend or hurry me to a regular vet for treatments they need or diagnostic tests.
  2. Regarding platelets, Dr. Bill and I disagree (as well as me & Dr. C). I have not had a greyhound under 150,000 since my first two greys (when I felt I didn't know any better--did they have a TBD? probably ) I do chart my guy's blood work and if the platelets are falling, I feel there is a problem. With doxy treatment (even without a TBD panel), I've had many come up in platelets, the last being Huston who went from 104,000 to 179,000 after 8 weeks of doxy. Same with Toots, her platelets kept dropping and were down to 132,000 and after the imizol injection they jumped to 239,000. If I remember right, the greyhound platelet issue was considered and the number lowered by A&M (Dr. Herron--a greyhound breeder) Since this is a tick state, I question the result and decision to lower the acceptable platelet count, especially since the 21 (I know, not a lot, but it's more than one ) greys I've had have not had platelets under 150,000 if treated with doxy. I wish vets (more than just mine) would take greys with the lower platelet counts and put them on doxy and just see if they come up. It's a study I'd love to see happen.
  3. She will eat anything you put in front of her--pred has kicked in This is a good thing in case she needs the dreaded morphine again..... Still on the tramadol. Limp is much improved but still there.
  4. I get tramadol there for the "kids" and it's $4 For your human kids, if the medication was on their list, you should have received it for $4--wonder why you didn't?
  5. Sending lots of prayers. I know of only one other dog that had it (a friend's Dobe) and two vets had misdiagnosed it and long story short, she went to the vet I was using at the time and they pulled her out. Sending lots of prayers for Harrison
  6. It sounds like "it" is progressing rapidly. Can she go to a specialist?
  7. March 3, 2008 I mentioned that Mahogany would not eat yogurt to Winslow and this is his reply: For Mahogany: This is how it's done! Now, get busy! Love, Winslow
  8. Make sure he is on the right dose of doxy -- 5mg per # of body weight twice a day.
  9. Great improvement over the past 24 hours! She loves her meatloaf with EVO This morning for the first time since last Wednesday, she ate at her bowl, regular kibble and ate 95% of it!!! I left her on the pred, cut the morphine and left her on tramadol. I think I'll cut the pred in half as well as the tramadol. She is still limping (which I don't expect to go away) but it is better. Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers! oh....she followed me into the computer room this morning and stayed with me till I moved
  10. Burpdog

    I Had A Dream

    No lump worries in Rainbow Land!!!!
  11. Sending prayers for peace and comfort. Please believe that Otis is fine now! Do not worry about what was, only what is. He is running around without a care in Rainbow Land and without pain. Stop going there! Do not think of the last 30 minutes, think of the years before. All of us have things we second guess on or wish we had done differently. Take what you have learned and help others. Think of the good times you and your friend Otis had
  12. In addition to an acid reducer, if I have one that is tummy sensitive for doxy, I get carafate and give at least twice a day. He has to have the doxy, so you need to work around the effects. Also, I give acidophillus pills every day, at least 3, separate from the doxy and carafate by at least two hours.
  13. Sometime during the night, she ate the meatloaf I had prepared (soaked EVO kibble baked with ground chuck and eggs). a lot of it! This morning, no go at the bowl. She took one "ball" of frozen BilJac and refused more (I think she thought it was more meatloaf but she had eaten it all!) So, breakfast was two large milk bones again. I cut out the morphine and I'm hoping by tonight she will eat? Did make more meatloaf so Ro will try it after it cools.
  14. Sending my sympathy I know how much it hurts. Run like the wind pretty girl
  15. She is walking much better (still limping) so I am going to try & cut the morphine tonight and see how she does. Perhaps it'll be ok and she will start eating! I know with Ivey we had her on pred & tramadol to help her feel better her last weeks. When the vet called, he said "I'm going to hedge" and we talked about "suspicous". When he saw her walk..... He and I both know, but he wants to be sure that is why repeat xrays in 2-3 weeks. I will be pleased if she goes that long. Friday and yesterday morning were very bad. Today is better. Now if she will eat her food, I'll feel better about it all.
  16. Yes, eye goob is black after it hardens. Since his started all of a sudden, it's why I kept after vets to look at it and why I took him in I sure hope this works. Last night and this morning he had goop again.....
  17. It has to be very small for them to say come back in 6 weeks. Don't worry about it yet. Next time will tell!
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