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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog


    Run like the wind pretty girl..... Sending my sympathy and crying with you
  2. Sending prayers! Have you contacted Dr. Robinett?
  3. If you email me, I'll send you Dr. Feeman's papers on greyhound health. Burpdog@msn.com The majority of mine have run a creatine over 2.0 with a normal BUN. As advanced aged seniors, many have a slight rise in BUN, some due to needing a dental and some who knows. Many also run high protein with no distress. Too many vets are not familar with greyhound values and misdiagnos kidney issues
  4. My sympathy to all who loves him
  5. Switch to filtered water. Make sure she is on atbs long enough! There have been too many reports this year re Nutro food and problems. I wouldn't feed it.
  6. Take her to a specialist, not the regular vet! Sending prayers.
  7. I remember her finding you, or you finding her What a ride that was! Take comfort in the life you gave her--had you not found her on the highway that day, she would have died then. You gave her many good years. Sending my sympathy. I know how you feel
  8. You asked for my opinion, so I'm going to give it If he doesn't start gaining weight immediately, it's time. With that much weight loss, it's affecting all his organs One of the things I look at, is with all the drugs they are on, if they still are not doing well, picture withdrawing all of them. Usually that will let you know. With greys it is so hard--their desire to live is incredible. If it's time, you have to let him know it's ok to go and he doesn't need to be afraid. Sending hugs and prayers.
  9. Burpdog


    Run like the wind Jerry!
  10. I think that says it all It's a beautiful dream! It's also a reminder that when one door closes, another one opens up. I know how hard it is for you to post your yearly reminder, as you know how hard it is for me to post about Eliza every year. Share we must, it's the only way, for me at least, to make sense out of tragedy. Emily is fine, as is Eliza. It's you and I who suffer with guilt, earned or not.....it'll be gone when we see them again -- knowing how totally forgiving greyhounds are.... Sending prayers for peace and comfort to you, my friend.
  11. I'd worm him with 5 days of panacur and see how he does. Try boiled meat only, nothing else. Can you get frozen BilJac there?
  12. Interesting treatment plan since dogs are not suppose to be given ibuprofen. What about supplements?
  13. The only thing I wonder about is that some people connect cancer with TBDs (they lower the immune system), so I would do a full tick panel. I also treat if platelets are under 150,000 as there is at least one TBD that isn't showing up (yes, Dr. Feeman and Dr. Couto and I disagree on the platelets however, I have seen platelets come up in each dog we've treated). Other than that, I am anti pestiside. I use Frontline when I have to and have treated the yard when there was a tick problem. I don't use pestisides in the house either (I am really sensitive to them). You cannot waste quality time worrying about cancer. There is no crystal ball: the ones you think will live almost forever don't, and the ones you think won't, do, or at least go much longer than you thought
  14. Meds for her stomach and ask the vet if she can have B12 shots. Also, lately there have been a lot of mention of nutrional yeast to help appetites.
  15. You can try Arid xtra dry on the bandage and see if that keeps him from worrying it
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