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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Have they called the mfg of the product? I would.
  2. Also, with all the meds and chemo, several are put on carafate or reglan for nausea. I'd ask
  3. I think they should fit her in as it is an emergency. Perhaps push a little.... Sending lots of prayers!
  4. Give that wonderful boy a hug from me Sending prayers for peace and comfort.
  5. Tom: from Glynis Winslow's surgery was January3, 2007 Here are some thoughts for Ember's Dad: "For right now, I feel like things are getting better. We are out of the basement, chemo is started. Although he's still not my Winslow, he's not behaving as if he's sick, in pain, or in any way that is totally bizarre. He does some things that let me know he's ok, but no interest in his toys, his favorite cookies, etc. It's like his unique personality is missing. Very sad for me, but I hope it comes back. Things were a lot worse." Winslow's Diary, Jan.21, 2007 The psychological changes were amazing. I wasn't prepared for him to be so different after the surgery. It was really like a different dog. Everything we always did and understood was changed. He was like a stranger. We went through a lot of mental stuff with him. I think that was one of the hardest things. He's almost back now and each day is better.. I hope it continues. Winslow's Diary, Feb.6, 2007 The psychology of swimming is this: I have noticed that Winslow seems more confident of himself now that he is getting exercise. He doesn't seem to be as clingy (something that started after his surgery) and he's getting up during the night and sleeping on his own bed. When we are outside, he's happier and not fearful of other dogs... even growling at one yesterday... He hasn't done that in a long time. Instead, he was hiding behind me. He seems to sleep better, too. The behaviors that I thought were going to be permanent seem to be fading. I really think it's from swimming and actually getting out there and doing something again. When he comes out of the pool and I cheer, he is really happy. It's easy to see his sense of accomplishment. Winslow's Diary, June 4, 2007 Diane, Winslow is a different dog since his surgery. Some of the changes are welcome. He's not as aloof as he was and he's more loving. He seems to understand his dependence on us and is more vocal about what he wants. He makes things very clear. He's more attached to us than ever before. This didn't happen over night. We had a lot of ups and downs... A lot of "I can't find anything he wants to eat" and a lot of "he seems depressed". It took a lot of talking to him, spending time with him and continually explaining to him what happened, why, and how it would be ok. Really, I think constantly talking to him and holding him when he was really down helped more than anything. I suggest that over everything... and trying every food possible: canned chicken, eggs, yogurt, boiled meat, boiled turkey, sardines, Evo, etc.etc.etc.... Until well after his chemo was over, we still didn't have a good steady diet... That took a lot of work, too. Downside: He's more spoiled, more demanding and more ridgid in his scheduling (he wants it now. He knows what time it is, etc.). Roger says that's our fault... I agree. We have allowed it and we live with it and we're good with Winslow, just the way he is... Again, why should we go to obedience classes? He's got me trained so well that I don't need them. If he wants to talk, I'm available.....Mr. Backstroke loved his swim today--- Cold and windy! Glynis
  6. Can you call Glynis? Winslow swims today, I think this morning. Start offering anything and everything. Canned 95% meat, boiled hamburger, etc. I'll get some salmon biscuits out as soon as I can. Will she eat milk bone biscuits? Try peanut butter sandwiches. This is not the time to worry about what she should or should not eat She knows how you are feeling. Try being upbeat and happy no matter how hard it is.....
  7. I'd worm her with panacur regardless of what the stool sample says. Straight BilJac frozen and see if it helps
  8. Had to go look it up. It's new and has a lot of poison in it.
  9. Burpdog

    Sweet Mama Ro

    What a beautiful girl. Sending my sympathy
  10. What are her platetes and HCT? What are her kidney & liver values? Sending prayers
  11. Solid Gold Holistique Blendz is low fat and the ones I've had on it did well.
  12. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy.
  13. Sending my sympathy. What a beautiful girl!
  14. If tape segments are fresh, they move some
  15. Seems to me Ripley had it done. Let me see how he is doing. Laser is amazing. I can't believe more vets do not have it.
  16. Burpdog

    R.i.p Bailey

    Sending my sympathy
  17. Did you show vet "how to hull a corn"? Sounds like he went too deep And no, going deep does not mean it won't come back. The most successful corn removal re length of time is laser.
  18. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  19. Well, I cried a bunch.....what a special girl Sending my sympathy
  20. If there have been problems with the new formula producing yellow poops (which means it's not digesting), I'd try another brand.
  21. Not silly at all. Sending my sympathy to all who love her
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