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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Note it says in some cases and does not mention greyhounds in this statement particularily. If I had a 4 or 5 year old with a low T4, I would do more testing. I also would not test for at least 6 months off the track. Also keep in mind that some dogs are put on thyroid for breeding and enhanced performance, and if left on supplementation long enough, they will have a thyroid insuffiency as the supplements knock out the thyroid. Bald thighs is not reason enough to suspect a low thyroid. Dogs whose thyroids are not working (be it too much or too little) can lose weight. Mindy: how did they diagnose the brother? Was a full panel done? You can literally kill a dog with thyroid meds if they are not needed and the dose is high enough.
  2. Has he been to your vet for his first appointment yet? Now would be a good time I'd put him back on the food he is used to. Time enough to change at some point if needed. He looks very comfy!!!
  3. I've had 3. Jodie was diagnosed with a blood test. Shadow had it after his pancreatic attack and was on enzymes for 3 months and I was able to wean him off. Slick was on it for the however many months I had him. His poop was yellow and I didn't test him (vet was ok with that). With Slick I used the pills instead of the powder. Worked better for him because I never knew if he would eat or not. Panacare is much cheaper than Viokase and works just as well (they have both powder and pills). I bought it from Omaha Vaccine.
  4. Sending prayers! I remember when Slick had a tooth pulled it took forever to heal.
  5. Update February 15, 2009: poop bag still in tree Raffle is up and running Raffle in Auction Forum My recent visit was interesting. Winslow greeted me like a long lost friend (last time it didn't appear like he cared one way or the other) Perhaps because I found his scratch spot
  6. also TBD possibility. Was she on any NSAIDs or other meds? Did she receive vaccinations on Wednesday? Sending lots of prayers!
  7. Will they come out to the car and put the patch on? Excuse my ignorance, but is the patch in the same family as torb & tramadol?
  8. February 14, 2009 Poop is still in the tree. Winslow wants to take bets on how the date it will fall. Says it's for charity. I say it's gambling and probably illegal. He says illegal is just a sick bird and that's what will happen if they nest in his poop bag. Even the birds don't want it. They don't even go near it. You know what EVO canned smells like going in.. I'm surprised the EPA hasn't been out here to fine us for unleashing pollutants. Happy Valentines Day, Glynis & Winslow
  9. That's the rimadyl, not the tramadol. I strongly suggest you get blood work done asap and check her liver and kidneys. Sending lots of prayers.
  10. Maybe try bigger rugs? Especially after surgery. Do either of these vets come recommended?
  11. Fortunately, I have a holitisc vet. Knowing me, I'd go a combination of experience and her guidance. Sending prayers. did her kidneys nearly shut down because of NSAIDs? How are they now? Did you email OSU and ask about this?
  12. I would go the old surgery. You must fix the floor problem, though or she will ruin the surgery or her other leg (put runners down or rugs). Sending prayers.
  13. Sending lots of prayers. Definetely "only" a fine needle aspirate. There is no need to do the other as Batmom suggested -- it is very painful and will weaken the bone. If I remember right, when Glynis and I talked last week about Winslow's journey, she said the only thing she would do different is not do a bone biopsy. If it is in the hip, you will most likely have few options as surgery would be very invasive to the pelvic area. It depends on where it is. I see, reading back, that he is 13. As Janet said, I'd concentrate on pain management (must use a combination of drugs) and spoil him rotten. I, personally, would not even do a biopsy. I would email Ohio State (not Dr. C as he is not doing oncology consults at this time) and see what is and what they suggest.
  14. February 13, 2009 Good Morning Diane, How are you feeling today? I hope you are getting better each day. And Mizzy? We have a bit of a situation here. For the last 2 days, we have been having VERY high wind. (Weather, not Winslow's).. Obviously Winslow hasn't been allowed on the deck and he really doesn't like to go out when it's gusting over 50 mph. During the night, he did want to go out and Craig took him. He brought the poop bags home, tied together because they never made it the 2 blocks to the can. He dropped it on the side of the house for disposal at a more reasonable hour. This morning, I thought I saw a hawk! No, an eagle! I got the binoculars. There it is! Wait, it's moving! It looks like, OMG, IT IS WINSLOW'S POOPBAGS.... Yes, I have attached the photos. Glynis
  15. I use them all. The only prescription drug given is a low dose of pred after the supplements are not enough. I give Joint Health & Fresh Factors, vit E and fish oil caps, do chiropractic and acupuncture and chinese herbs. As many of you know, I lost my first grey Eliza to rimadyl and will not use a NSAID. If you are using one, make sure you get the blood work done to check kidneys, liver and platelets. You should do a baseline blood test. Do not wait 6 weeks. Do the first blood test at 2 weeks, then another 4 weeks later to see how they are tolerating it. So, no, I didn't vote since I do them all!
  16. What a gorgeous boy! He can buddy up with Burp in Rainbow Land. I'm sure Burp will love having a dobe buddy! I do know how bad you hurt
  17. If your vet does not see a lot of greyhounds, I'd print out the SLO articles and take them with you
  18. Grace cut her foot last year and I had to take her in. Vet did an excellent job on her. Several stitches. Sending prayers!
  19. Vet visit is in order. Sending prayers!
  20. There are treatments. I would read all you can above, and find a new vet. Sending prayers.
  21. Had the same problem when Rob Roy & Austin got into a fight. Rob Roy couldn't/wouldn't lay down when I brought him home. I was fortunate in that I had both a chiropractor and acupuncture vets come to the house. He got treatments and immediately layed down. Is there an acupuncture vet that makes house calls? Sending prayers.
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