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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Mizzy is 10 1/2. When I went to leave for work she "ran" to the gate wanting to go with me She's trying to 3 leg it and she doesn't have 3 other good legs. I almost cried.....
  2. February 24, 2009 Good Morning, Diane, Craig is away today, so things here are less than perfect. I try to do everything in exactly the same order because Winslow gets pouty if things aren't the same every day. So, I got up and made his breakfast just like Craig does it. Fed him and took him out just like Craig does it. Allowed him to lay out on the deck in 22 degree weather for 20 minutes. When Winslow came in he tried to convince me that he should get breakfast AGAIN! Over to the cabinet, sniffing his food dish, dancing around, the whole morning routine! Does he really think I don't know that I fed him? He's in there right now, WAITING FOR HIS BREAKFAST! I just told him that he's not going to eat again... G. woe is me.....
  3. Mizzy is quite miserable I hope today is better. I have to take her water to the dog bed and she had breakfast in bed. Managed to get her up and outside with plastic bags on and I thought she was going to keel over. I should have done this 3 years ago when she came. Would have been easier on her younger.
  4. Look at what I just found: Galgo news, pemphigus article
  5. She's on her way home with Lynn. Poor girl--he did two feet. He doesn't think it looks like pemphigus, but we shall see.... I'll take pictures later.
  6. It does but as I told the vets, it bothers me more than her I think. I try & keep them down, but she isn't very co-operative
  7. Thanks all. I can pick her up a 3. I'll let you know how she is. These are bad pictures, but it's the best I've been able to get:
  8. It's possible. My DDs Schip had one or two then none. I know one grey who will have a seizure from fish oil. There are so many things that can cause a seizure! Make sure you write in the diary any supplements, topical treatments, heartworm pills, etc. kind of dog food, etc. Spraying the lawn or inside. Everything you can think of!
  9. I felt so bad dropping her off..... Since there are 3 opinions on her feet, we've decided to do a biopsy to make sure what it is. It's either: callouses papilloma virus or pempeghis folliceas (or how ever you spell it) So, she'll have a sore pad..... At this point I feel the derm vet was a waste of money. We shall see.
  10. upon being told a wonderful St. Patty's hat had been ordered and I would send green biscuits to go with (better than beer, no?) Winslow responded MERRRRIDDITHHHH!!!! COME AND GET ME! They want me to wear hats and eat GREEEEEEN BISCUITS!!! ABUSE, I'M TELLING YOU, IT'S ABUSE!!!
  11. February 20, 2009 I just heard a snippet of the conversation-- Something about Neyla and Zuri joining the late night patrol.. becoming part of the "Blue Flame Squadron" and how "easy it is to wake up your people so you can go out". I keep telling Craig NOT TO LEAVE THE HEADSET ON THE PHONE! G.
  12. I wouldn't worry about it yet. Have you fed him dog biscuits that are that color?
  13. Sending lots of prayers for beautiful Carrie and you all.
  14. Good Morning Diane, Attached is this morning's photo of the poopbag. Here is the update: Feb 20, 2009, 9:15 AM The poopbag has weathered a night of very high winds and bitter cold. It now appears to have blown upward at the bottom and now the bottom is also entangled in the tree. So the poopbag is more attached to the tree than ever. It continues to inflate and deflate with the wind gusts. Winslow is checking the poopbag in the tree regularly. He thinks the whole thing is quite funny. It's been too windy for him to lounge on the deck, so he just takes his toy to the back door and stares outside. Then he makes a humphing noise and goes in the other room. Because he was getting a little hefty (2 lbs overweight) we put him back on a diet. Instead of giving him his nightime snack of 2 big spoonfuls of canned food, we are saving a spoonful from each of his 2 meals and giving that to him before bed. He has recently discovered this and in retaliation has moved his morning walk time from 7:30 AM to 4:30 AM. Says he's gonna teach us a lesson about messin' with his food. G. Poopbag raffle updates
  15. Joint Health & Fresh Factors from Springtime Inc. help a lot: Springtime
  16. Are you by any chance feeding a chicken based food?
  17. Unless she decides to visit Austin has visited a few times. It's quite comforting (except to Pablo who wants them all to go away..... ) I know how much it hurts....
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