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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Does that mean you stopped them? Did you do a full thyroid panel? Bag balm the sores. It'll take 3-4 months for him to heal and get better.
  2. Huston had a similar "experience". I had to douche him (so to speak) every day, then every other day. He was on clavamox for 2 weeks. It did clear up.
  3. Sending lots of prayers. Eat lots of ice cream together
  4. Take him to the vet. There is a good chance he has worms since he is new and has never had good poops
  5. I'd cut out the Breath Busters, give her a piece of bread mid day and continue with the 1/4 c of food at bedtime. See if it stops
  6. I don't like anything under 150,000 and I've not had a grey under that unless they had a TBD. Will be interesting to see what his panel says.
  7. Hooray! Tell him to share it all with you & Craig so it's gone by Feb To which Glynis replied: It's NEVER gone. Oh, this boy can clear a room... Doesn't matter what I feed him. We can count on it. He's coming off a bland diet and it smells like he's been eating from the poop can up the street. My house doesn't have the "doggy" smell, associated with pets. No, it never has. My house smells like someone emptied a septic tank in my living room. You would think I have a river of sewage running thru the house. We don't light matches. Luckily, we don't smoke (although that would smell better).. I'm worried that the county is going to fine me for storing methane gas without a license. I just wish we could harness it. There has to be a use for it. I'm sure we could run a car or kill weeds with it. We will have open windows for the party... (and you thought that was because Winslow was too hot)
  8. January 14, 2009 House smells like... well, like Winslow has been saving it up. Normalcy returns. Glynis
  9. Every 3 years and after age 9 or so, it depends is my opinion Thread on Vaccines
  10. You tried, she tried, the doctors tried ~ sometimes it is just not in our hands. Find comfort in the trying. She stayed as long as she needed to (not as long as you wanted her to) and she went on surrounded by love. May we all be so blessed. Run like the wind pretty girl
  11. Anyone you know who will take him? His quality of life sounds like it can be just fine in the right enviornment. If you don't know anyone, perhaps someone here will offer that is closer to you than I.
  12. January 14, 2009 Good Morning, Diane! As you know, I've been re-introducing Winslow's food gradually and decreasing the turkey and rice. Keeping the portions on the "light" side. No yogurt, treats or extras. During the night, Winslow got up and stood by the door. I thought we were in for a repeat performance. I got up, put on my shoes and when I got the leash, he bolted for the kitchen and laid down on his "food" bed. I have to admit, that's one way to get the point across! I gave him a small amount of turkey and rice and he slept the rest of the night. He is on the mend. Still has mushy poo, but improving. I think when he gets all of his regular food and gets off the antibiotics, he'll be fine. It takes a little time before things get back to absolutely normal. Mushy poo doesn't really concern me. He gets wierd about the slightest change to his diet on a good day. I plan to have his regular diet back by tonight. The vet said we could do it sooner, but I was a little worried about the fat content in the Evo. We do things slowly around here. I learned that with the chemo. I have a call in to the vet this morning regarding his yogurt. I don't know if I can give it while he's on the antibiotics. Today will be another day of stinkeye and pouting- no treats yet. More dog food in the kong. YUK. Although Winslow has never shown an interest in any of it, I've moved the squirrel and bird feeding stations. I don't have much problem with the birds or squirrels using my deck for a toilet and I clean it regularly. It seems to be the likely source of this. He's not a poo eater, but I realize that it didn't take much for this to happen. Winslow does lay out in the cold. He loves his deck. My choice is to take it away from him or just be very meticulous about it. I think I'll just really keep an eye on him, examine the deck daily and feed the other critters elsewhere. I don't want to take away something he loves so much. His morning nap on the deck is a ritual. It's just one more floor to scrub and another caution. I can't take it away from him. It's rare that he even sniffs around. He just sleeps out there on his bed for an hour or so each morning. So, the short answer is yes, Winslow is improving. I think I'm recovering, too. G. PS. I'm telling you, these vets could make a fortune packaging "Mommy and Me" drugs. Whenever they give dog meds, they could include valium or something like that for the parents. Even a bottle of wine. You know, depending on the situation. Add some cute packaging.. it would be a GOLD MINE.
  13. When I saw the name, my heart sunk Sending my sympathy. A very beautiful angel in Rainbow Land...
  14. Has he gotten any B12 shots? How much pred is he on? Is he still getting stomach meds?
  15. I'll start by saying I know I'll see my dogs again. As far as scripture, if you believe in the bible, it states death is a separation of spirit and body and that there will be a resurrection, so all will be restored, including animals. I can't wait to talk to them!
  16. January 13, 2009 Good Morning Diane, I hope you had a good time in Fl. and feel well and rested. Winslow, Craig and I had a very rough night. At bedtime, Winslow gave Craig the "sad eyes". This means,"I don't feel so well".. We sat with him and he went to sleep. At 1:am, he had to go out. Craig took him and reported that he had the big D. At 2:am, he was throwing up the water he drank at 1:00 At 3 he was out with the big D again... Craig said it was liquid, but that's all. He looked at it with a flashlight. At 3:30 vomiting water again. I stayed up and cooked rice and a turkey breast in anticipation of what he was going to eat today. At 5:AM, I took him out.. What was watery big D was now bloody... I called the vet, piled him into the car and went. We got there and when he got out of the car he did it again. By this time it was nearly daylight and what I saw was absolutely terrifying. (You nearly got a very early phone call-- fortunately, I was at the vets when this happened). I was sure something was hemorraging. Winslow knew he was sick, so he went right in and was really good for his exam. Oddly, the vet wasn't nearly as concerned as I was (needless to say, I was freaking out). He wasn't having stomach pain. She looked at a sample of the bloody D. under the microscope and said he has a bacterial infection. An injection of antibiotics and pills for 5 days. She say's he'll be as good as new. (I hope so!). So, he slept all the way home and is obviously feeling better already. He's sleeping now. I asked why this happened. She said he ate something he shouldn't have! Winslow doesn't pick stuff up, doesn't eat plant dirt or anything else. HE DOESN'T EVEN EAT FOOD THAT FALLS ON THE FLOOR! I swear I don't know what he could have eaten! He is not allowed in the yard alone. The only place he goes alone is on the deck. Everywhere else, he's on a lead. He sniffs some things, but never eats anything I don't actually give to him. He hasn't been around other dogs and hasn't been swimming for 3 weeks (vacation). If you have any ides about how he could have gotten this, please let me know. I'm at a total loss. Glynis PS: This thing is called clostridial bacteria.? UPDATE: Winslow has been asleep since we got home at 10:30 AM. He ate a small portion of turkey and rice at 1:00 NO symptoms at all. He's just really tired. So, hopefully he's going to be over this soon.. Dr. S. is a regular vet at VCA She's the one who took care of Winslow during the Rimadyl incident. She's good. He was seen by the E-vet first and by the time that was done, Dr. S. had arrived. He has never had this before. They aren't growing the culture, but I'll ask about it when I call today. By last night, his poop was just fine except for the last of the blood. He slept all night, no problem and is now eating his breakfast. Although they said he could go back on his regular diet this moring, I kept him on a mix of it with the turkey and rice. I don't want to overload him with all the vitamins and canned meat just yet. Dr. S. said he ate something he shouldn't have. I'm still at a loss with that one. She said there was "grit" in his stool that would indicate something he ate and didn't digest. The only thing I can think of is possible potting soil. He's never touched the plants or even paid any attention to them, but I guess it's possible. The other possibility seems that he may have stepped in something and then licked his paw. According to everything the vet said and what I've read, it can come from a million places. . Something allowed that bacteria to overgrow and the balance to be messed up. She said she sees a lot of it. She also seems to think it's a one time thing. I guess we'll know for sure when he's done with the antibiotics. I sure hope so. I'm going to ask VCA to add a human cardiologist to their staff. Also someone who can administer a sedative to mommy. This was absolutely horrible.
  17. January 8, 2009 The vet called. ALL IS WELL. Winslow passes all tests with flying colors! Woooohooooo! Glynis
  18. Sending lots of prayers. I'm sure they will send her home with canned I/D which will be easy to digest.
  19. I've been where you are except my vets go ahead with the worming. Also double check on the giardia. Your vet may not be familar with carafate and doesn't know anything about it.
  20. Most times whip is very hard to catch. Long ago a vet said do a stool check every day for 3 days in a row. At this point, I'd do the panacur.... Carafate binds, so I don't understand vet's concern.
  21. Sending lots of prayers. Hopefully they can treat her for babesia quickly if that is what it is. Erlichia can cause the same.
  22. Interestingly, my vet said to go with the panacur because it was soothing to the stomach and bowel...... Have you done a stool check every day for 3 days? Even then, you may not catch whip. When I've had some of them sick and not wanting to eat, I found the hours between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m. the best for feeding. It's when they would eat the most. I've done so many different things. Roasted is better than boiled with meat. I cut out any grain. I tried, when they obviously wanted it, plain dry kibble I remember trying to get someone to eat ($2 canned, meat, etc) and they stuck their head in the kibble bowl and started chowing down. When Magic wanted kibble for two weeks straight, she ate 5 different kinds and didn't get diarreha! Then she went back to meat. I've soaked kibble, put ground meat and eggs in it and baked it like a meatloaf. I usually warm up canned because they like it better. I've done rice krispes and yogurt. Only one out of the many I've had would eat baby food. I remember a time when Shadow would only eat Lorna Doone cookies. I've had them eat milk bones only. I've heated up canned and mixed it with frozen BilJac. I've fed Bravo! raw (with bone). Why stop the carafate?
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