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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Nothing wrong with the human stuff, just be sure you are getting a reliable brand (so you get the dosage you are paying for) Greyhound Gang's stuff is great, and the cheapest, but one of mine HATES anything sprinkled on his food so I use the chewable Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtime.
  2. I was just reading that article. Sounded interesting, but I would imagine there isn't much availability of substitute bones, at this point.
  3. What a sweet face! I am so sorry
  4. Fletcher's been taking FF for years, and I started Molly on them when she came. I added Joint Health (for both) when Fletcher started showing some arthritis symptoms. They think the chewables are treats Fletcher and Molly are both 7
  5. Sounds like he is slowly starting to improve I hope it continues! Do check into the acupuncture, it really does help (usually) for a lot of things, although it can take a few treatments to really show. I paid $65 a session for Sugar's, after the initial visit.
  6. good idea to go ahead and get it out.
  7. It is horrible to hear them in pain and not be able to fix it! and so frustrating not to know the cause I hope you will at least get some answers tomorrow
  8. Remolacha


    I am so sorry, he looks like a sweet boy. 14 is a good age for a Rottie, but they are never with us long enough
  9. He was clearly a special guy, I am so sorry
  10. That's a wonderful update! Tramadol is generally a very good drug, it was a lifesaver for Sugar, but Peace is not the first grey I have heard of who had a bad reaction to it. Glad she is doing better.
  11. I know how hard it can be to put into words how much these special seniors mean to us. I am so sorry for your loss
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