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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Remolacha

    Puppy Oliver

    How sad, I am so sorry!
  2. Remolacha

    Cosmo Kitty

    He sounds like he was a wonderful sweet boy, I am so sorry
  3. Remolacha

    Fly Baby Dodge

    I am so sorry you didn't have more time
  4. What a handsome fellow! I'll bet he won't be much of a couch potato
  5. Glad to hear she is home and doing well! She sounds like quite the tough cookie
  6. hoping removing the spleen takes care of the problem!
  7. Had to be one of the hardest decisions, but you are thinking of what's best for your dog, not yourself
  8. Sugar started having serious back end problems when she was 11. Basically, the vertebrae in her spine were deteriorating. Because of her age and heart problems, treatment options were limited. She started with acupuncture once a week for a month, then every two weeks, then once a month, the every three months. I started seeing some results right away but the big improvement started after about a month, so, four treatments. She went from barely able to stumble a few steps to walking normally! She did take Tramadol as needed for pain, she had arthritis and there were flare ups in her spine, but I have to say the acupuncture saved her life. She could not have continued the way she was. She was also having some incontinence problems, and the Dr. gave her a few needles in her "pee points" improved that problem about 90%. I was so impressed with her results I started doing acupuncture for my arthritis. She showed some, discomfort I guess, from the needles the first time, but after that, she laid down and napped through the treatments. Not everyone will be as lucky as she was, but I think in most cases there is some improvement. Good luck!
  9. Oddly, no; that's right up the street from me. She's at the Veterinary Neurological Center, near 40th and the I-10: http://veterinaryneurology.com Three board-certified neuro vets and three veterinary neuro interns, something like 15 staff and an in-house MRI. The vet has been very explicit with the vet techs that Minerva is to be on two leashes on potty breaks due to the potential and risks of escape (they don't have a fenced-in run). My understanding is they're the only ones with board-certified neuro vets in the Valley. Their training and background is on their website, and- wow. Just- wow. wow is right! I hope I never need them, but good to know they are there. Will Minerva need to use a harness while she is healing? Seems like I've heard other dogs with neck problems weren't supposed to wear collars.
  10. AJ, is she at Arizona Veterinary Specialists? If she is used to her crate, it would probably be a good idea to bring it. If not, then not Glad to hear she is recovering so well!
  11. Great news, I hope she gets to come home today!
  12. no experience, the antibiotics take care of it!
  13. hope everything goes well for Minerva! I also know a person that had similar surgery, it was very successful.
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