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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Glad it isn't bloat! I don't know if it is more common in IBD dogs, but I am very paranoid about bloat with Fletcher. Soulman
  2. A trick I learned from Batmom, offer several different things on different plates! They often seem to be like little kids, they won't eat something they might like if it's "touching" something they don't want Good Luck!
  3. Another huge fan of acupuncture here! Got my old girl moving like a dog half her age, when she could barely walk. Also, she was on Metacam daily for several years with no problems. for Echo
  4. How old is William? Fletcher has started the intermittent limping/holding up paw over the last few months. My vet did xrays, twice, to get the shoulder in. No "C" (Whew), no corns, no spinal or neck problems. We tested for TBDs and Valley Fever (both neg). There were some slight indications of arthritis in the shoulder and elbow, so I started him on glucosamine and Metacam as needed. That seems to have taken care of it, except he will still hold up his paw for a little while after tear-assing around the yard . Fletcher turned 7 in March. Wouldn't hurt to test for Valley Fever, and be sure the whole neck/spine thing is checked out. Good Luck! edited to add, I see you are in New York, so don't bother with the Valley Fever test unless William was ever in the Southwest or CA
  5. Glad to hear she had a better night, and kept her food down Hoping she continues to improve
  6. FWIW, my vet has recently gone back to Frontline after trying Vectra 3D for a year. They said they had too many dogs who reacted to the Vectra, nothing serious, but still... Also, Vectra is toxic to cats. I am trying to decide what to use. Have never had any flea or tick problems, but with ticks, I don't want to take a chance. I'm using Frontline, for now, and Heartgard for heartworms.
  7. I haven't been able to read this before now. Iceman is one of those dogs that I've never met, but feels almost as special to me as one of my own. I am glad to hear he had a good day, may he have many more! However he chooses to tell you, you will know when it's time. You know him better than anyone.
  8. Glad to hear Quilty is improving! When I gave Delilah (cat) her insulin shot, she would jump up on the table and wait for me to stick her. Of course, the fact that she got a treat right after probably helped Bribery is a wonderful thing!
  9. Chanting away! They WILL get it all, and then won't it be nice to be done with it!
  10. I used it for Sugar. Worked great the first couple of times, became less effective after that, but she was feeling much better and didn't need it. I used it along with acupuncture. There were no side effects.
  11. RIGHT! she will be totally fine!
  12. great news! As others have said, diabetes is very manageable (I only have cat experience)
  13. Remolacha


    I am so sorry. You made a big difference in his life
  14. Flashy, I hope the antibiotics do the trick so you don't have to go back to the perbert!
  15. Robin, unbelievable!! But, it sounds like this will be different, completely treatable. for Elsie
  16. Angie, I am so glad to hear this! I hope he keeps on with his slow but steady progress!
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