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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. for Sadie. I am sure she will be fine, be as someone on here told me, worrying is part of "mom's" job!
  2. There are many, many things a limp could be, most of them not too bad Arthritis, a pulled muscle, corns are three that leap to mind. Keep an eye on it, if it doesn't get better, or gets worse, have your vet check her out. I completely understand about the worry!
  3. Stress can definitely trigger an IBD flare-up! I think packaging horse poop as an all-natural digestive upset treatment is brilliant I seem to remember awhile back someone was selling dried zoo poop (elephant, zerbra, etc) as a plant food BTW, how is Caesar doing?
  4. I use a plastic grocery bag in a bucket to pick up the yard and scoop out the cat boxes every morning. I have alley trash pick-up, and it is a big bin that serves several households, so I just toss the bag (tied closed) in that. That is also where I put the bags-o-poop I collect on walks.
  5. I don't know if you have tried this or not, but when Sugar was having her severe spinal problems, one of the things that helped (for awhile) was an Adequan shot. Of course, acupuncture worked really well for her, too, so As I recall, it wasn't very expensive, and if it didn't help, I don't think it would hurt. Your vet would know if it was suitable for his condition.
  6. I am sorry they don't know what's wrong yet I hope you get some answers!
  7. No pieces of the collar (it was red). I am really hoping she chewed it up in small enough pieces to not cause a blockage I say "she", it could be Fletcher, but I doubt it.
  8. One of the dogs, I suspect Sallie but I'm not sure, ate a nylon tag collar today. I came home and found the metal name tag and the plastic buckle chewed up, but the collar itself is nowhere to be found. I looked outside as best I could (It's already dark), but the evidence was all on a dog bed in the living room, so I don't think it's outside. What should I look for? Should I start to panic yet? Everyone seems fine at the moment. It could have happened anytime today, but the leftover bits were dry, so I don't think it just happened. Someone ate a leather buckle collar a month or so ago, but I found the metal buckle, so I wasn't as worried, and no one had any problems.
  9. what racindog said, about supplements and acupuncture, will help manage her pain. There is a specialist veterinary clinic in (I think) Chandler that I have had good luck with, although I've never had an orthopedic issue. I can give you the contact info if you want (it's at home).
  10. more and it sounds like you have an awesome vet!
  11. Oh, yeah, I forgot, Molly runs outside during storms to bark at the thunder
  12. Glad he is feeling better! He may just have a sensitive system, and when it gets out of whack, he goes for the MHP (magic horse poop) cure
  13. Fletcher is very leash reactive, and I have found that he is much worse when he is in what he considers "his" territory. He is fine with other greyhounds (except for a couple of individuals he just didn't like) when we are in places outside his neighborhood, and he is much less reactive to non-greys, although he still doesn't like them. You might see if there is any difference in her behavior if you take her to a new place, away from home.
  14. I am glad Kelly is more relaxed, and checked out ok at the vets. I've had a few times when one of mine seemed nervous or afraid, and I have no idea what's wrong. Usually, I never figure it out. I hope this all blows over, and you never see the red guy again!
  15. Fletcher also feels the need to bark at anyone on "his" street I get up and go to the window and look out, and say something like "fine, ok". This is usually enough to get him to stop, and I get up right away and make him come in if it's outside and late at night. Honestly, as a woman living alone, I really don't want him to stop, just not cause the neighbors to complain The girls don't bark at strangers, but they do both bark their heads off when I come home edited to add, "anyone on his street" includes people with dogs, people without dogs, cats, the neighbor he has known for 7 years...
  16. Me too None of my dogs has had any problems with grains, but I don't feel they need them. I have not been able to convert my cats to raw, but they get grain free food as well. That said, all the critters get treats that have grains... and sugar, and other things they don't *need*, but these are treats, after all
  17. Well, we are back from the vet. He does not have LP, but she took chest x-rays. She said his heart looks large, even for a greyhound, but he is big, weighed 92 lbs this visit (and you can see his ribs, he's not fat), so that's kind of up in the air. What concerned her more were his lungs, they looked cloudy, one side more so than the other. She is sending the pictures to a radiologist to read, and in the meantime he has antibiotics and lasix. She's also testing his thyroid levels. He's already on thyroid meds, but it's been about three years, he may need an adjustment. So, we wait and see My vet is greyhound savvy (ex-track vet), but after we see what the radiologist says, I will still get a second opinion before I start any treatment, especially heart.
  18. I know when I've had crf cats, the vet said getting them to eat was more important than sticking to the kidney diet if they didn't like it. Glad she is eating!
  19. He's sleeping at my feet right now, and seems perfectly fine. However, his panting woke me up again last night, and it took him more than 30 minutes to stop panting after our morning walk (the girls recovered in about 5 min.) So, we are going in tomorrow morning, and I hope we can figure out what's going on, LP or whatever.
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