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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Such good news!! Feel better Penny and Melissa!!
  2. What a great group of friends and family you have.....
  3. Rest well sweet Bell.....You were very loved.....
  4. Karen, Sorry you didn't have more time...she was lucky to find a great home for her senior years!!
  5. Hugs to you and your DH.... It is such a difficult decision even when you know it is the correct one.
  6. Sending many and good thoughts for a quick recovery. Suzie, You and Brian are in my thoughts...
  7. How is sweet Ben doing tonight Jan?? I hope he is better!!
  8. greysandmollie


    Oh No Shelby.... My heart sank when I saw this....
  9. Oh ALimony....you know you are driving your mom crazy!! I hope the swelling goes down....
  10. Glad to hear that she has improved!! Hopefully she will be even better today!
  11. Sending many good thoughts... When Bounty had his ultra sound the ER vet said she could read it but to get the best info she wanted an internist to review it. It turned out to be irrelevant after the chest films but I understand wanting to give you the right info.
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