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Everything posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. 2greyhoundMINI


    From the album: Sidney

  2. It started with my sister..... I went to her house and she has a yellow lab. Boy he got fat! And I told her! She got mad and said it was because he was getting old..... Um, even MORE of a reason to keep his weight down! Our Bella was always thin and fit. She was a Rottweiler prone to Hip Displacia so the best thing we could do was keep her weight down. She lived to 13 which is very old for a Rottie. Fat for dogs, horses, etc is never good.
  3. I find it weird a lot of people say to us, "what type of dog is that?" To me it seems obvious.
  4. This reminds me.... everyone's labs I see lately look so fat! Must be all the hounds I'm around now
  5. Well I am happy to report Sidney is going up and down the stairs like an old pro now. For about a week after he went down them for the first time, we had to lure him down with treats. Sometimes he'd just freeze up and need to be placed on the first step. Now he goes down them like he has his whole life, without batting an eye! No lure, no treats, just goes. Woohoo!
  6. I just turned 39 and my husband is 44. Damn, I feel old now after reading this thread!
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss
  8. 2greyhoundMINI


    This is for sig pics, etc.
  9. 2greyhoundMINI


    From the album: MISC

  10. We got something very similar to this for the hounds : http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=13520&cmpid=01csent&ref=3665&subref=AA&CA_6C15C=525529818
  11. 2greyhoundMINI


    From the album: Sidney

  12. 2greyhoundMINI


    From the album: June

  13. He's beautiful! Congrats and enjoy!
  14. 2greyhoundMINI

    On Bed

    From the album: MISC

  15. 2greyhoundMINI

    Peek A Boo

    From the album: June

  16. 2greyhoundMINI

    Sidney HAE

    From the album: Sidney

  17. Great news! Round 2 tonight went awesome! First I put a piece of meat on the first stair. He stared at it for a couple seconds, legs wobbling. Then he stepped down on the first stair and took it. He then pulled back up, but this was the first time he's ever gone down a stair himself! I did this with him 4-5 times. Next I put a piece on stairs one and two. He went down one stair, eats, then second stair, eats. He did pull back up to the top. Now I skipped stair 1 and put a piece on stairs 2 and 3. He went right down to stair 2, ate, then stair 3! I quickly put a piece of meat on the next stair. He went down to that one and finished the stairs on his own! Woohoo! First time he's gone down the stairs on his own without us touching him! Afterwards he was like, no biggie! Now give me more treats
  18. That is funny! He went up the stairs 2 days after we brought him home. We were standing at the top with treats. But going down? Forget it. He has gotten right to the edge and then shakes. It was nice seeing him do the 2 steps gracefully. Like they were nothing! Let's hope part 2 goes well
  19. Thx for all the advice. Tonight my husband and I had stairs 101 with Sidney. When he comes to the top of the stairs at the very edge, he starts to shake. So he's super scared of going down them. My husband picked him up and placed him in mid staircase (the staircase is only 5 steps). He slowly walked down the last 2. Great! We did it again and same result... Placed on steps, gently walked down the last 2. We gave him lots of praise and treats. He didn't seem phased or upset. Hopefully next time we can start higher up. Productive night!
  20. I am so very new to greyhounds, but this thread reminds me of part of the talk we got from our rescue we got the hounds from. He mentioned increased aggression could be a sign of thyroid issues. Just a thought. Good luck.
  21. Sigh..... I feel your pain. Remember the good times and memories.
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