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Everything posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. 2greyhoundMINI


    From the album: Sidney

  2. 2greyhoundMINI


    From the album: June

  3. From the album: June

  4. I use both for both our hounds. The rescue gave us the harnesses and said they were used to walking with them. We immediately got them collars.... I think a dog on a harness will pull you all over the planet. Now we use both when we walk them.... the harness and the collar. We use a splitter lease that connects to both. It pulls the collar more than the harness. The harness at this point is just for peace of mind that if they pull out of their collar, there is the harness there for Plan B.
  5. Thx gang! We have hardwood floors.... However, we got carpet treads before the hounds came home. Funny, he can go down the stone steps outback, but they are very wide, having a landing sort of between each step. I like the idea of carrying him down part of them. We have a split level house, so there are two sets of stairs that are only 4 steps. I'd like to get him halfway down these. This could work.
  6. Hey gang, Our boy Sidney had no clue about stairs when we first brought him home (now almost 3 weeks ago). It took him about a week to figure out how to go up them..... however, he still can't and won't go down them. Trying to lure him with all kinds of treats has not helped. He seems very frightened of them when he gets to the edge and looks down. Any suggestions how to help him overcome his fear? Am I expecting too much too soon? Thx.
  7. Well we are almost a 3 weeks. Pups are settling slowly but surely. Their personalities are coming out. They've both gotten vocal, and I'm happy to say Sidney started giving us kisses
  8. From the album: MISC

  9. From what I have read, it means he wants to play. I've seen both Sidney and June do it.
  10. I am so sorry... Wow, I know all too well what it's like to loose a beloved pet. Please don't beat yourself up..... Sounds like you were looking for signs, and were going to take her to the vet if things didn't turn around. That would have been what we all would have done. Think about the good times.... All the memories you have. I hope I t helps you get through this rough time.
  11. Sidney doesn't seem to like our walks at all. It's like pulling teeth to get him moving if we stop... Even if we just started out! We decided to leave walks for the weekends and stick to running around and throwing the ball during the week. He seems to like this a lot more. I will be interested to see how he does after not going for a walk for a while.
  12. I have a feeling I should plan ahead and get one for June. She is anxious in general. I haven't had her long enough to see how she is through a storm, but I have a feeling she's gonna get upset. Heck, I don't like storms either!
  13. Yes! I remember that conversation Weird... I can't get into the events section... says I don't have access. Maybe I'm too new?
  14. Man, I didn't know about this? What's the best way to keep up on greyhound meet and greets? Glad we met... Although I'm not sure who you were... I met so many!
  15. Definitely.... Cats stuff is moved upstairs for now. They will be upstairs when we are not home, and for a portion of the evening.
  16. Well, for the first time we let the hounds loose today after work in our yard. We have an acre fully fenced in. Omg- they tore it up! Especially June. She was running over and over. The good thing was they kept coming back to us (we were standing in the middle of the yard). It was awesome seeing them run at full speed. June gets up to speed faster, but Sidney quickly overtakes her. She then bumps him lol Very fun watching them interact while running.
  17. Usually if the cats wonder into the room their crates are in, they are very chilled... walk slowly, then lay down. The hounds can see them at this point. Our cats are like dogs and like to be in the same room as us when we are home. If you are saying this is a no-no, I can lock the cats upstairs (luckily we have a split-level and there is a door that we can close at the top of the steps). Perhaps I should do this during the day while we are at work and the dogs are crated? Tonight we will start week one of your regimen.
  18. Another question to go along with this... Should we NOT have the cats around the dogs at all at night even if they are in their crates?
  19. Yes, same cat smacked both of them.... he walked away from it. The problem is, I have multiple cats... one of them is a runner, so he ran from them once so that caught Sidney's eye. Last night we had them on leases in the same room (muzzles on). The same cat that smacked them both was chilling on the couch with us. June stayed clear of the cat. Sidney looked at it and came closer to it, but the cat started growling at him and he backed away from it and walked away.
  20. Chad, Thank you very much for cutting and pasting this from another thread... I'm still trying to learn my way around and didn't see a "search" option for this topic. I will start tonight after work your suggestions and see what happens. Will report back...
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