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Everything posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Absolutely! The husband is emailing them as I type
  2. I'm not sure what June and Sidney follow are... but they both look healthy to me. Sidney has the back bone look and his hind legs have SERIOUS muscle. His head is pretty big. June is more smooth but still has some nice muscle. She has a little peanut head
  3. We live in West Chester... so we are far from you. However, we have friends up in Bear Creek... we could find out who they go to. They don't have greys, but they are some of the best furry parents we know! So if they trust their vet, you will too!
  4. Oh good call! If he gets chewing at it, we will muzzle-up! He did seem a little sore this morning. We have a anti-inflamatory/pain pill we are giving 2x a day.
  5. Oh I'm so sorry She is in a better place and pain-free now.
  6. This morning and his bandage is still intact. I was worried he was going to be chewing at it overnite!
  7. Lol thx... I will tell her you are pulling for her
  8. June was more upset when they took him in the back to be stitched up!
  9. Yeah, we were on a nice walk tonight with the hounds, and in a second, Sidney's foot slipped in a damn storm grate. He quickly pulled it out, and in doing so, ripped the skin open on his shin. We didn't know anything was wrong at first since he's such a trooper and didn't make a peep. A few minutes later I noticed he was holding his leg funny when we stopped. That's when I saw just sagging skin and exposed tendons! Yuck! We immediately called the vet and told them to expect us. He walked the rest of the way home fine... Didn't even limp! We were prepared to carry him or run and get the car, but it wasn't necessary. We were in the vet within 1/2 hour after it happened. We are very lucky to not only have a fantastic vet clinic that is also a 24 hour emergency clinic, BUT! Many of the vets seem to be very informed about greyhounds. One of our favorite vets took care of Sidney tonight and told us how he grew up with a greyhound as the family pet and it was the greyhound who made him want to become a vet. He said his hound was very protective of him and was his best friend... It was a really cute story. Anyway, Sidney is fine... No tendon damage. A few stitches later, and he was good to go. The vet told us how good he was... He just let them stitch him up! When we left the exam room we walked into the waiting area which was actually pretty full. Everyone kept telling us how beautiful our dogs were! Oh yeah, we brought June along for moral support..... Of her! Lol Sidney is home and doing well. One week of antibiotics and stitches will come out shortly after.
  10. Sidney and June will grab random stuff.... we've been "hound-proofing" the house more and more. I figure the less they can get into the better. They will drop it if you catch them with something. We are trying to keep them well stocked with squeaky stuffies which they love.... them and their Kongs.
  11. Ah! No roaching yet, but I think June is getting close. She likes to hang half off her bed now...
  12. In the almost 5 weeks we've had Sidney and June they have both changed.... June has become much more relaxed, although she will never be that totally relaxed type of hound. She still is a love bug... gives kisses constantly and is jealous when Sidney is getting petted and not her. Sidney is the total opposite- nothing really phases him. In the last few weeks he's become more vocal, energetic and affectionate towards us. He's still very laid back. I think they are both becoming accustomed to their forever home. Sidney was never adopted before, so this is his first rodeo June was adopted and returned shortly after (I think around the one month mark)... so I think she feels safer now that we aren't giving her back. Right after dinner one night this week, I let them both out back. Sidney started coughing (ate a little too fast). June was very concerned and came over to his side and waited for him to stop and keep moving. It was so sweet to see. They have both gotten attached to each other, not just us. It's been a wonderful experience
  13. Hounds are always welcome for playdates! We have a great yard for the pups to run and play in!
  14. I didn't know what they were either. Good to know! You all are a wealth of information Good luck with Specky! I hope you figure out what's going on soon.
  15. 2greyhoundMINI


    From the album: Sidney

  16. It started with my sister..... I went to her house and she has a yellow lab. Boy he got fat! And I told her! She got mad and said it was because he was getting old..... Um, even MORE of a reason to keep his weight down! Our Bella was always thin and fit. She was a Rottweiler prone to Hip Displacia so the best thing we could do was keep her weight down. She lived to 13 which is very old for a Rottie. Fat for dogs, horses, etc is never good.
  17. I find it weird a lot of people say to us, "what type of dog is that?" To me it seems obvious.
  18. This reminds me.... everyone's labs I see lately look so fat! Must be all the hounds I'm around now
  19. Well I am happy to report Sidney is going up and down the stairs like an old pro now. For about a week after he went down them for the first time, we had to lure him down with treats. Sometimes he'd just freeze up and need to be placed on the first step. Now he goes down them like he has his whole life, without batting an eye! No lure, no treats, just goes. Woohoo!
  20. I just turned 39 and my husband is 44. Damn, I feel old now after reading this thread!
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