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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. I'd say collect all the food that gets dumped....then after a week of it sitting in the sun in a sealed bucket....pour it out in front of his front door :flip

    Yeah I second this.


    Wow, I can tell you right now my husband would go ballistic on the neighbor if this happened to us. I shutter just thinking about it.

    One thing you do not do is mess with our furry kids.


    I'm glad Fintan is doing better... this is always scary stuff!

  2. Well Sidney got his sutures out this morning.... all things considered, his leg looks pretty good. There's a small red spot, but that will fade with time. He has been so good the past few weeks! We never had to muzzle him, he just left his leg alone. Such a good boy :beatheart

  3. Glad your pup is O.K. I was wondering what part of PA you are from? I live in the poconos and am looking for a new Vet and was wondering if your vet is nearby.

    We live in West Chester... so we are far from you. However, we have friends up in Bear Creek... we could find out who they go to. They don't have greys, but they are some of the best furry parents we know! So if they trust their vet, you will too!

  4. Muzzle with duct tape over the bottom will keep him from getting at the bandage. And make sure to keep everything dry. He'll probably be sorer today than yesterday so stay ahead of the pain.

    Oh good call! If he gets chewing at it, we will muzzle-up!

    He did seem a little sore this morning. We have a anti-inflamatory/pain pill we are giving 2x a day.

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