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Everything posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Happy New year! Our amazing June is still with us in 2019 and doing great! She's her same adorable self. Go June!
  2. Our male had this surgery about 3 years ago. He actually had to have emergency surgery at 2am. He wore the cone of shame while healing and was on the necessary antibiotics/anti-inflammatories. He has since been on Science Diet CD formula and has not had an issue since. He also doesn't excessively drink. Good luck!
  3. Update... June is doing well since her last couple seizures.... it's almost been 2 months without another one. She is getting around well and acts like a perfectly healthy greyhound. Not sure how long she will be around, but we've already beaten the "6 months" prediction! Go June! Here she is in perfect roach form:
  4. My June will eat anything (thx to the Prednisone).... Sidney is much more finicky... I have to buy steak and I cut up little pieces I mix in with his kibble
  5. Hopefully it's just a speed bump. Regardless, we still have her around!
  6. Yes they are... I HATE watching helpless. The only good thing about it was it happened while I was home for lunch so I was there.
  7. Well sadly June had 2 seizures yesterday... about 6 months from her last ones. They told us back in March she probably had 1-6 months. She is currently at the vet... we will be picking her up this evening. The new plan is to treat her with a 2nd seizure med. Sadly, if that doesn't work we know it may be time
  8. Hoping the weather is decent tomorrow. Seems it's always raining when we want to come out to GIG. Have fun those that are already there.
  9. Little update: June has bounced back like nothing happened. She seems to be doing well on the seizure med and Prednisone. So far now we are just enjoying our happy and sometimes crazy fawn
  10. Hoping both hounds make it this year.... fingers crossed for June!
  11. Thank you for all the info/advice. Shes still a bit wobbly since shes gotten home but seems to be a little better each day. Other than being a little more subdued than normal she seems to be herself so far. Very interesting about the ice pack! I will read up on that, thanks for the link. We are trying to just keep positive and move ahead business as usual. Although we did install a camera in her room so when we are at work we can watch her. Also sort of baby-proofed the room.... removed the coffee table and moved the fireplace tools so we cut down on sharp things and hard corners in case of further seizures.
  12. June came home last night... she's happy to be home. She is a bit wobbly... not sure if that will go away or not. Have not gotten the final results from the radiologist yet... hoping to hear this morning sometime. All for now. Just wish I could get some decent sleep. I keep waking up thinking I hear her.
  13. There is still a chance it was a brain aneurysm, which would be much better. Fingers crossed! But if not, we know and can prepare and can spoil her even more.
  14. SIGH..... Well, we heard from the neurologist. He needs to radiologist to review the MRI and confirm what he sees, but he's thinking it's a brain tumor. Sadly, if it is, we have 2 options: 1. Radiation. This WON'T shrink the tumor, but it will prolong her life. 2. Manage her symptoms... seizure meds and pain meds if needed. This plan until things worsen and then we need to make the "quality of life call"... I don't have a 100% on this is what's happening right this second, and to be honest I haven't even processed this news. My husband is picking her up at 4 today so she can come home at this point and be comfortable. Thank you all for the well wishes. I was hoping for a better result.
  15. HOPE is one of the best places in the northeast for specialty care. We took our Rottie there for her chemo. Just heard from the neurologist... everything looks completely normal and he flat out said she's a very healthy 8 year old greyhound. So MRI is next- only way to see what is going on in her tiny little fawn head. Hopefully we hear those results in the next 1-2 hours.
  16. No news which is actually good- they said they would call anytime if she had another seizure, so she did not have another one overnight which is good. Now to wait and hear from the neurologist.
  17. All checked in at HOPE. She will be seeing the neurologist tomorrow morning and going for an MRI. We said good night to her and she seemed in good spirits... the anti-seizure meds seemed to be working well. Poor baby has been through the ringer today.
  18. Just heard from my husband (whom the vet called). Seems she has started developing clots in her lungs which is most likely causing the seizures. Our vet is recommending transferring her to a higher care facility for this, so he is on his way to pick her up and will be taking her to HOPE for elevated care and plan to treat all this. When I hear more I will let you all know. Thank you all so much for the wishes/prayers/positive vibes.
  19. Thank you all for the nice thoughts. No news yet from the vet.
  20. Our poor fawn had 4 seizures this morning No warning, and out of the blue. Never had one before. She is admitted at the vet for 24-48 hours of observation and running tests. She's 8 going on 9 so they don't think it's onset epilepsy.... they said that usually happens by 6. Hopefully they find some sort of cause and/or anti-seizure meds help. If not, we may be looking at a possible MRI.
  21. Personally I’d go Saturday if you have a choice... a lot of vendors pack up Sunday.
  22. Wonderful! my gang and I will try and get there by noon!
  23. Great idea! I like the hammocks and harnesses.
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