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Everything posted by DesiRayMom

  1. Yea Tessa!!!! Great news. Since it IS September, I tried leaving the a/c off....by 4:00 it was so hot the boys were panting & looking at me like it was MY fault
  2. Go to the "Cute & Funny things Greygounds Do" board & check out "The Nub Club"/Greybookends. There are tons of picture of absolutely adorable nubs. My DesiRay has a beautiful black tail....21" with a white tip, & I must say I'd miss it if it were gone. Hope all goes well on Friday. Keep us posted.
  3. Yup, Jane was right. Here I am. DesiRay has had miserable problems with nail bed infections. We thought at first it was SLO, but he's never lost a nail, just yuck oozing from around the nailbeds of 3 toes. We treated with several protocols from SLO research (antibiotics of several different kinds, Niacinamide, Chlorphenarmine, massive doses of Omega 3 fatty acids) for several months with no noticable improvement. The only definitive diagnosis for SLO is a biopsy, which means cutting off a toe & sending for a pathology report....which I did not want to do. So we took a culture of the ooziness (is that a real word?) and it came back staph......resistant to Cephalexin. I also switched his food to grain-free (duck & potato) and he's doing much better. My vet & I agree that this infection is secondary to an immune issue, as one protocol we tried was Prednisone, which worked wonderfully, but made DesiRay & I both miserable. So I feel like this is something I'll have to deal with for his lifetime, sometimes better, sometimes worse. He wore a child's sock in the house (some medical tape around the top to keep it up) and a bootie when he went out to keep the dirt & lawn chemicals out...(everyone around here treats their yard & I have a deathly fear of chemicals getting into an open sore. Hope the Cephalexin works miracles & neither have to go through this again. Kathy
  4. Oh no!!!! Make every day his best day. Prayers for Scoop, strength for you.
  5. DesiRayMom


    Rest in peace hansome man. You'll see your mama again some day.
  6. My raised feeder is 16". It's homemade (my brother is a very "handy" man) and it works well. My old boy seems very comfortable with that height.
  7. Sorry....I had to chuckle a bit.... Bless the picky eaters & stubborn we're going where I want to go walkers. They sure keep you on your toes. How are her last 5 teeth? Could any of them be giving her some twinges?
  8. Dylan & Jazzie: Glad to hear she's doing well. Desi, too. Finally got him on grain free....duck & potato, & his feet are much better. Turned out some of his walking problems were due to overgrown nails. I knew they were too long, he's been getting them dremeled every 2 weeks for months. The day we finally got that last way-long toenail back enough that it didn't hit the ground when he walked, the difference in his gait was amazing. He's now going "barefoot"...no sock, no bootie, and his attitude has improved as well. Thank heavens for this board where we can share problems, protocols, results. It helps so much to know you're not alone. Give Jazz a big hug from DesiRay & me.
  9. Thank you for making his last year & a half the best that it could be. The most important thing is that he knows he was loved.
  10. So glad Harrison is feeling better. If, in fact, his time is growing short, it sounds like you're both making it the best of times. Blessings to you all.
  11. Durn! I've been searching for a dog park. Since Desi's feet are so much better, I thought I'd find someplace he could run. Now I'm scared to go. He does have a high prey drive, fixates on cats, squirrels, etc. Just sounds like a horrible accident waiting to happen. Thanks for opening my eyes.
  12. symmpathy to you for this miserable diagnosis. Whatever you decide, you'll have much love & support & no judgments coming from the great folks here on Greytalk. Hugs & best wishes to Freddy.
  13. Well, I am relieved. I wondered about Desi. He's NEVER been interested in toys. When he first came to me, my old Skeeter dog (13yo, lab/beagle mix) was so excited....he brought every toy from the toy basket, one by one, & dropped them at Desi's feed. No response. Then he picked them up & played with them, like he was showing him what to do. No response. I bought him a big stuffed bunny, thinking perhaps he'd like a toy of his very own, now a "used" one. He sat on the couch with it, sniffed it all over, sqeaked an ear once, then pushed it off to Skeeter. It's like he considers himself above such nonsense. Good to hear it's not an uncommon trait. Guess I'll just love him as he is.
  14. Prayers for Stinkerbelle...........let us know.
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