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Everything posted by Yamaha_gurl

  1. Happy Birthday Sweetie, hope you're pain free and jumping like you always did
  2. Where are you located? Perhaps a greytalk is in the area and can watch Ernie.
  3. What a handsome guy! Welcome to the forum
  4. Here are the other pics emailed to me:
  5. Congrats once again! Feel free to email me the pics, and I'll post them up collartown@outlook.com
  6. Welcome to Greytalk! What a happy hound Stan is!
  7. Here ya go...it's greyhound crack: http://nothingadded.ca/store/ Scroll down to beef lung, yes it's pricey but it's smelly and you can break it easily into pieces! I just bought a massive bag, if you want I can mail you a few pieces that way you don't have to order if he doesn't like it. Crack in the mail! lol
  8. Welcome to the forum Ami! I bet your momma is doing a fabulous job! Tell her to continue with posting more pictures of you
  9. Wow, now that's a big boy. I have an italian mastiff, she's only 85lbs.
  10. You could start training recall with playing a game of hide and seek. Simply go hide in a closet and call his name in a happy voice, when he comes to you give him a treat.
  11. Congratulations on the adoption of Italy! she looks like she's going to be a good snuggle buddy. You could try mixing in something more like people food such as yogurt, but just a little bit so she gets that flavor in there, and then gradually decrease the yogurt.
  12. Welcome to the forum! Socks looks like a sweetheart, I am very sorry to hear about Max, what breed of dog was he?
  13. Welcome to the forum, and to greyhound adoption! Yes! More pics please
  14. Hot Rod Miss you so much Big hugs to grandma
  15. My Bella was always the same way after a regular greyhound run, to me either she was tired or missed greyhounds.
  16. Welcome to the forum! Hope you find the right grey for you
  17. Hi Kerry! Just checking up, how are things going? Has he had his blood work re-done?
  18. Welcome to the forum. It does indeed sound like you'd done your homework. Don't stress too much, you never know, you could get a grey that is sooo easy and all the reading you'd done won't matter, that's how it was with my greyhound Bella
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