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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I don't really care, just stopped in to see if fists were flying yet
  2. Wonder


    I'm sorry Heather
  3. He's done and ready for pick up in a few hours His CREA was high but they didn't tell me so I'll check his test when I get there. He's supposed to be retested in 4 weeks. Thanks everyone
  4. I just dropped him off at the vet. He was so happy to meet everyone at the clinic. He's so wiggly and charming. I hope to get the call by noon that it went ok Thanks
  5. Last year: Lucky $1500 Passion, Diamond $100 rabies shots/exam Sparks $100 annual blood work/exam This year: Passion $500 bone infection/blood work and she needs another blood test in 3 weeks $130 plus dental (est $400-$900) Sparks $100 annual blood work/exam Lucky $20 rabies Cat $130 put to sleep Hopefully no more vet visits this year
  6. My vet said it's something that probably happened in the last 2 weeks. She doesn't eat bones and hasn't gotten into anything. The only thing that has changed is that she got tired of me putting her pills in her mouth so clamped her jaw shut. I had to start putting them in wet food. I changed her food today to Kirkland Senior and will stop the wet food to see if that's it. I don't give many treats (THE HORROR, I know ) so I'm stumped what it could be from. I did give her 2 small cheese (deep fried) curds 2 weeks ago but that can't be it, or maybe it could according to Dr Stack http://www.greytheal...ncreatitis.html Between her bone infection and her bloodwork today- almost $500 Maybe I need to get another job!
  7. Jey- LIPA was 3660 Donna- no on the meds. She's already on antibiotics for another 2 months.
  8. UPDATE---- Blood work came back abnormal so we couldn't do her dental today She goes back in 4 weeks for another blood chemistry, if it's normal, she will have her dental Blood work today was $130, next one will be $88- anyone have a money tree I can borrow? Passion's gonna have to get a job!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I drop her off at 9:30- good thoughts she won't have too many teeth pulled. This is her first ever dental in 8 years. Her teeth aren't the worst but they aren't great either. I was going to do it last summer but got laid off. I'll post an update when I get her home tomorrow night.
  9. Could be staph infection. Sparks had it once a few summes ago. Took a few months to clear up. One spot of hair grew back white (he's black). Hope it's nothing. If you do have antibiotics, wouldn't hurt to give him a round.
  10. Did you upload the picture to your photo album here on Greytalk? That's the easiest way to do it unless it's on photobucket already. If you guys want to come over some time- just let me know. It's not too long of a walk for him.
  11. Has he lost a lot of weight?I meant to ask how he's doing when I saw you Sat but again was a zombie and out of it. Yeah. He had a long bout of vomiting and/or diarrhea. Took me a while to figure out he just can't digest kibble anymore. Now that he's eating raw, he's doing MUCH better. But still needs to pack some weight back on. And his back legs are pretty wobbly these days. awwww Tipper Give him a kiss on the nose from me
  12. She ran back to the office of campus (nursing home) administrator which is behind my front desk and was bugging her. She is a dog lady (has a couple) but she was trying to type and Passion would whine every time she stop petting her.
  13. Has he lost a lot of weight?I meant to ask how he's doing when I saw you Sat but again was a zombie and out of it.
  14. I brought Sparks in for his annual vet visit. Test results came back all normal I did a blood profile as well- those results come back tomorrow. He weighed 77.9 last year and was 77.8 today. WAHOO! I said that he really doesn't want to eat kibble and it's been a struggle for a year to get him to eat. My vet said since he hasn't lost much weight, don't stress so much about it. For a 12 year old, he's a great shape I had an 11 yr old hound this weekend that I was pet sitting. He's not doing so well and has lost 20 lbs since April when I had him last time. They weren't sure what was going on either. Really put things into perspective for me with Sparks. I realized I really have it good with Sparks. I can't wait to get home and hug my old man. After the vet, we stopped to visit granny in the nursing home
  15. I brought Sparks in for his annual vet visit. Test results came back all normal I did a blood profile as well- those results come back tomorrow. He weighed 77.9 last year and was 77.8 today. WAHOO! I said that he really doesn't want to eat kibble and it's been a struggle for a year to get him to eat. My vet said since he hasn't lost much weight, don't stress so much about it. For a 12 year old, he's a great shape I had an 11 yr old hound this weekend that I was pet sitting. He's not doing so well and has lost 20 lbs since April when I had him last time. They weren't sure what was going on either. Really put things into perspective for me with Sparks. I realized I really have it good with Sparks. I can't wait to get home and hug my old man. After the vet, we stopped to visit granny in the nursing home
  16. Maybe by the time I get home tonight, I will have forgotten she was naughty at work tonight. I had to pull out the full name too! PASSION ELIZABETH KELLER, YOU GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!
  17. She enjoyed seeing you too. I did too except that I was a serious zombie from the high humidity! I don't even remember who I talked to on Saturday.
  18. Passion had her recheck today for the bone infection in her foot. The x-ray show the soft tissue infection is gone but there is still some in the bone. She will be on antibiotics for 4 MONTHS! She can resume walks but NO running or digging. She was a trooper at the vet and they all love her. She sure hates her pills, even hidden in meatloaf! Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts.
  19. <br /><br /><br /> she lives in MN, just a few blocks from me
  20. Hi Patty Just seeing this now. Glad Tiki is ok. If you still have the pool, we will take it. Just throw it over my back yard fence or let me know when it's out in your yard and I'll run over to get it. Are you going to the Coon Rapids Parade Thursday?
  21. I'm sorry Y- she sounds like a great cat and will always have a huge place in your heart Please give Kevin a hug from me
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