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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. But you know you really want to get in trouble. Only if you are doing the spankin'
  2. I like this one Will I get in trouble if I post this in threads that I report?
  3. I'm on a reporting roll weeeee We need a reportin emot
  4. Yeah, they are for normal dogs. Sorry, you meant for a greyhound, my bad. Still, the link from Meredith notes only slightly increased. Yeah, most likely from the Deramaxx. Not unexpected I guess, just kind of upsetting b/c we were looking for kidney issues all along, I just assumed her liver would be fine. Anyway, yes, we were considering adding milk thistle anyway so I definitely will. For all I know, this level isn't alarming, but it's much higher than her previous blood work and no longer in the normal range so I think it's fishy. Anyway, sorry for the hijack here. hijack away I'm just asking for someone in my group and my vet is out of the country so I can't call him to ask
  5. I still can't find anything listing a range though Did you see my post? Idexx range is 5-107, Antech is 12-118, close enough that I think you can use those for comparison. But check for notes on hydrolysis as my lab work says it can cause an increased value as well. Yeah, I saw your post but for some reason was thinking those were for normal dogs Couldn't the increase be due to the meds she's taking? Time for milk thistle?
  6. I still can't find anything listing a range though
  7. I did a quick search and hounds have a higher ALT than other dogs (isn't that almost the case with other stuff on blood work??) I found this but didn't see a range listed http://www.greyhound..._Greyhounds.pdf
  8. I can't find my answer on Dr Stack's site so anyone know what the range for a hound for ALT is? thanks
  9. My vet isn't recommending chiro or accupuncture but I looked into it anyway. I found a greyhound vet about 1/2 an hour away who can do it but the issue would be how I get him there.
  10. When did she get her last pill? My vet told me to test 4-6 after last pill. If you gave the pill last night, you should give one this morning. Just found this online: Blood samples should be drawn 4-6 hrs post-pill for BID therapy
  11. I personally would not take time off work and would just get into a routine right off the bat so that you don't have SA-like issues when you do return to work.
  12. I get Sparks milk thistle from there too How much of the Boswellia do you give?
  13. He used to get 2 scoops but now that he's not eating as much, it's hard to get the 2 scoops in.
  14. Passion was limping this summer after our lake walks. I'd rest her a day or so and we'd walk again. Then she'd start limping again. My vet was at my house and noticed the limp and said I need to bring her in. I of course freaked out thinking "C". Did the x-ray and turns out she had a soft tissue infection which was starting to get to the bone. She was on antibiotics for 4 months and they did another x-ray and it was gone. She did limp the entire time in Dewey but she was stepped on so I'm thinking her foot is also going to be a little sensitive. Try not to freak out, it's hard not to, I know
  15. I'm doing research on adding an anti-inflammatory for Sparks see his back issues here clicky and here Clicky I'm still struggling with getting him to eat. He will eat cooked, ground turkey and Natural Balance meat rolls without hesitating. Yesterday, I gave him about 2 cups of kibble with 1 can of Merrick pot roast or something called that. He gobbled it up so I gave him another can of Merrick, sausage something which he didn't like as much. This morning he wouldn't eat so maybe he will still full ?? Tonight I have him the cooked gr turkey and he ate most of it. I'm low on the turkey which is why I tried to get him to eat the kibble yesterday. I left him a chicken qtr today when I went to my moms and he didn't touch it He used to love those before this back crap started. I have him on Spring Time Longevity (1 scoop/day) and 6-8 Fresh Factors a day. Plus milk thistle. I'm weaning him off the prednisone and I'm not giving him any pain meds at this time. The combo of these was giving him major big D. So what can you tell me about Boswellia vs. Yucca? I have to make sure whatever I give him won't upset his tummy. Thanks!
  16. I think that was close to what Kim paid for Rainey or else my memory is really bad and I made that up Sorry Robin- we should prob take this over to this other thread http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/263875-greyhound-vet-near-fairfield-ct/
  17. Sparks has back issues, my vet never suggested an MRI We did an x-ray which shows the 2 spots that are bothering him. He's on restricted activity for the rest of his life (he's 12.5). I goofed today though and he did the happy dance after his poop and started to run around the yard. I'm always outside with him so I made him stop right away. I'm glad he's feeling better but I don't want him to get hurt again. Sorry for the hijack Robin Thats funny I asked the specialist couldn't you do xrays. She stated no they would not show a thing. I thought to myself then why do they do xrays on people before they suggest an mri Sparks has back issues, my vet never suggested an MRI We did an x-ray which shows the 2 spots that are bothering him. He's on restricted activity for the rest of his life (he's 12.5). I goofed today though and he did the happy dance after his poop and started to run around the yard. I'm always outside with him so I made him stop right away. I'm glad he's feeling better but I don't want him to get hurt again. Sorry for the hijack Robin no, this wasn't a hijack. i've learned something from your post nothing like MRIs have been recommended at this point. $3600 is a fortune! I hope your hound, Sparks, and all of the others feel better soon. Yes I think I may be looking for another vet. My unexpert (is that a word?) eye saw the 2 spots in question on Sparks xray. I would go to another vet which I hate saying but seems like the MRI over the top if your hound is only yelping once in a while. Sparks couldn't walk so it was beyond the yelping stage What state/city are you in?
  18. Sparks has back issues, my vet never suggested an MRI We did an x-ray which shows the 2 spots that are bothering him. He's on restricted activity for the rest of his life (he's 12.5). I goofed today though and he did the happy dance after his poop and started to run around the yard. I'm always outside with him so I made him stop right away. I'm glad he's feeling better but I don't want him to get hurt again. Sorry for the hijack Robin
  19. When someone is on "vaction" , doesn't it show up next to their name anymore in the members list? I swear you used to be able to search by member status in the old days too
  20. I noticed when I report last night that the report button was still showing. Didn't it used to go away or grey out after it was hit?
  21. You can get the milk thistle at puritan pride- cheaper there I've been sleeping on the couch since I got home from Dewey because I can't have Sparks in the bedroom (he'll will get stepped on by the other pups). So all 5 pups and I sleep in the living room and 2 end up on the couch with me My back is suffering now too
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