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Everything posted by Jenbo

  1. Jenbo


    I'm so sorry. What a beautiful picture of him.
  2. Just picked up some spray and advised DBF no more hydrogen. I'll ask him to take a pic and I'll post it. I'm certain it's not a fungus but a scrape -- the top layer of fur and skin is missing and the wound was bleeding just a tiny bit, mostly weeping. It wasn't there Saturday morning, only after zoomies at my gf's house. He's home sick today so he's making sure she's not licking it.
  3. Myka bumped in to something over the weekend and gave herself a scrape about the size of a 50 cent piece. It's not a cut, but round and the outer layer of skin is scraped off. I've kept it clean with hydrogen but also left it uncovered so as to heal well and get air to it. She's not feverish, the wound is not swollen or hot, so it's not infected. And there's no way to stitch or staple it closed. Does she need ABs? or just antibiotic cream? DBF is with her today while I'm working so she's getting gentle presses of hydrogen every couple of hours... Advice?
  4. I know I shouldn't laugh but...yes, my sweet girl can still clear a room though not as often as when she first arrived. She was only a week or two off of the track so the change in food, weather, entire environment seemed to upset her tummy a great deal. She's much better now so hopefully with a little time, yours will be better too
  5. Myka still has has a monkey butt, too, though *some* hair is growing in, she's still mostly bald.
  6. I'm so sorry Run free, Phene
  7. Be patient and enjoy watching your dog relax and settle in. Welcome!
  8. Welcome! We need to see a picture of your new family member when you get a chance
  9. NOTHING worked for Myka until I started feeding her a 1/3 cup of cottage cheese on top of her kibble.
  10. Jenbo

    Rest In Peace Nina

    Oh NO! I'm so very sorry
  11. Jenbo


    I'm sorry We used to have a pet duck years ago, I've really enjoyed seeing the pics of yours!
  12. Where are you in the Bay Area that's more rural? I didn't think we had very many places left like that around here
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