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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. I have no help to offer, but I wanted to offer all of the good thoughts in the world for you and Rickie.
  2. We had a good bit of muscle wasting with Mia. We are still in the tapering her off phase, but she finally seems to be putting on weight again. We aren't sure how much of her weight/muscle loss was due to the pred and how much was due to the Erlichea and resulting immune system crash. If you are worried, talk to your vet about what you are seeing.
  3. Oh wow, your boy is GORGEOUS! Welcome!
  4. Oh gosh, poor guy! I don't have any advice, but wanted to offer gentle hugs and healing thoughts.
  5. Poor Boris! It does sound like anal gland issues. Fingers crossed for a quick fix. Do take a gander yourself and make sure you don't see any absesses (just in case) but if he has an infection, it could explain his loss of appetite. I know I wouldn't want to eat if my butt hurt.
  6. I don't have any advice, but I wanted to send kisses to the luberly Sheanna. Feel better soon gorgeous!
  7. 2hounds


    I'm so sorry.
  8. Sounds like a UTI to me, but if you were at the dogpark, it could have been marking. I would take her in and have them test her urine to see for sure.
  9. Poor boy, I hope he feels better when you get home from work!
  10. I agree, I wouldn't keep it wrapped, just keep it dry and keep her from licking it.
  11. awesome! so, this brings up another question, how do you take their temp? or what is a good way to gauge? Well...it involves lifting the tail. We have a thermometer that is only used for doggie temps, but for a quick idea of how the temp is, put a finger inside his ear and hold it there for a minute. He should be warmer than you are, but should not feel HOT. I have a thing about my dog's ears, I am always rubbing them, so I can tell with a single touch if their temperature is off.
  12. I bet a new collar will make him feel better too! Tell him as soon as his new tag gets here, he will have a package on the way! edited to add - I am much the same way. If he is still drinking, doesn't appear to be dehydrated or losing weight and normal temperature, I tend to give it a day or two to see if it is just a nervous or upset tummy.
  13. My vet is in Charlotte, almost at the SC border, but Anderson would be a far drive. Good luck, I know there are several adoption groups in SC so hopefully someone can help you out!
  14. Poor guy, he just had a huge change in his life. I am sure his tummy will settle soon.
  15. I don't have any advice to offer, but wanted to ask if you could give Arlie a big hug and kiss for me.
  16. Looking forward to pictures!
  17. Congrats on your new adoption!
  18. I would say yes. Keeping in mind that greyhounds are sprinting animals, they get out a LOT of energy in a very short period of time. Mine will usually pant for a little while after zoomies.
  19. Oh gosh, no advice, but lots of hugs coming your way!
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