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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. We've been through the "better" foods with Rocket. After a few months on each one we would go through the symptoms you describe no matter what the protein source was. Most of them were just too rich, no matter what the main ingredients were.


    We switched to Precise Foundation which is highly digestible. We switched based on the experience of the boarding facility we use, which boards only greyhounds. They use this as the house food, and will also switch a boarder to it when they are having stomach problems using their own food. It has been the best food we found so far for Rocket, and we are very happy with it. It can be a little hard to find, but any Pet Food Store or Feed Store using a major distributor can order it in. It's also available online. They also have a line called Sensicare if you need an even lower fat content.


    You will get lots of suggestions for food here, but it boils down to what ends up working for your dog. For every food that someone suggests, you will often have someone else post saying that one didn't work for them - it really is trial and error and takes some time.


    We are going through the whole scratching and licking thing here at the moment with seasonal allergies. We have no reason to suspect the food, but you do need to consider it when you see symptoms like that.


    Hope your pup is better soon.

  2. Make sure you are giving him good "targets." We bought a couple of traffic cones and walked Rocket by them when he first came. (The taller the better - you can get them at Home Depot or a hardware store for 8-15 dollars each depending on the height.) He wouldn't go on leash either, and it was 25 below zero out - fun times.


    He needs things to lift his legs against while on a leash. Our boy also loves tall clumps of grass - although we do keep him away from shrubs and trees in people's yards when on walks. Trees in the right of way or median are fair game.

  3. We will sometimes use a cold wet towel on Rocket if he seems to be overheated. We also have a cooling jacket made out of towel material. You need to be careful though, and change it or re-wet it with COLD water as it warms up. You don't want to trap the heat in under the towel. We only do this if he doesn't seem to be cooling down enough on his own once inside the house in the AC.

  4. We have a similar problem here with allergies and we use cybercanine.com shampoo bathe with but I think Earthbath is ok altho heavily fragranced. Most important though is to rinse with apple cider vinegar using 1/4 cup to 1/2 gal water and use as last rinse and do NOT rinse out. Take my word for it, he will not smell of vinegar. Using the ACV rinses the coat thoroughly, alleviates itching and makes it nice and shiny. brit


    Funny that you posted this this afternoon. About an hour before your post I decided to try apple cider vinegar after we heard from a friend who has "been there done that" with every dog illness and remedy over the years.


    I mixed 1/2 apple cider vinegar and half water into a new spray bottle and sprayed him down after our walk. I let him air dry after that. He did scratch a few more times, but it appears to have helped tremendously, as he has been sound asleep for the last 90 minutes and hasn't gotten up to scratch. That's about the longest he's slept without having an itch in a few days. He's going to get sprayed down again after our evening walk. The concentration is a little stronger than the mix you suggested, and I will probably mix a weaker solution tomorrow after these intitial treatments if it continues to work for him.


    He does smell kind of like pickles though. :colgate


    Thanks for the post.

  5. Rocket seems a bit better today. When he woke up yesterday, his eyes were puffy around the edges - he has eyeliner markings so it was very obvious. Took him to the vet - no fleas or mites, just allergies and he had a couple of small scabs from scratching. Vet put him on Hydroxyzine and an antibiotic, as well as some eye drops for 5 days. The allergy med makes him sleepy, but he does seem a litttle better, and the eye drops cleared up his puffiness with the first drops that were put in.


    We are wiping paws, legs etc, and using a washcloth on him when he comes in. He's not thrilled about water, so he has compromised and will let us use a washcloth for a cookie. :lol It also costs a cookie to put eye drops in. :lol He knows how to work the system.


    Dear rocket my lub :wub:

    uze make sure u work that hooman system. Dontz let them get away with treating your owies with nuttin less than 2 cookies per drop and tell daddyman more scoops of ice cream is suppose to help clear up the itchies faster :unsure

    your girl



    Lexie mah lub :inlove


    I wuz up all night scratching. Daddyman sez itz da ragweed all over our development. Momma and Daddyman tried to help, but nothin' worked. Then today after mah walkie, da horror of all horrors. I gotz anudder baff. Da 2nd one dis week! it did help, but I think I needz anudder cookie. :dunno



    Yur Rocketman

  6. Rocket seems a bit better today. When he woke up yesterday, his eyes were puffy around the edges - he has eyeliner markings so it was very obvious. Took him to the vet - no fleas or mites, just allergies and he had a couple of small scabs from scratching. Vet put him on Hydroxyzine and an antibiotic, as well as some eye drops for 5 days. The allergy med makes him sleepy, but he does seem a litttle better, and the eye drops cleared up his puffiness with the first drops that were put in.


    We are wiping paws, legs etc, and using a washcloth on him when he comes in. He's not thrilled about water, so he has compromised and will let us use a washcloth for a cookie. :lol It also costs a cookie to put eye drops in. :lol He knows how to work the system.

  7. Along with frequent bathing for my allergy dog I give him claritin-- it's been a huge help-- he's so much more comfortable. I give 10mgs in the morning and 5mgs in the pm- ask your vet if this would be appropriate for your hound. The allergens are sooooo bad this year.


    Thanks! I was planning to call the vet today to ask about Claritin or anything else she would like me to use. The Benadryl makes him really sleepy, even at low doses.


    We have huge clumps of weeds with litle flowers on them in the neighborhood. We have a number of lots that aren't built on yet, so weeds are prevalent on our walking tour. I have never seen them as bad as they are this year.

  8. How is Rocket doing? How did the bath go? Does he smell nice? :lol:lol Hope it helps the itching


    I think he's better. Still a little scratching but not nearly what it was. The bath resulted in much stinkeye - but he actually stood still for it and did a happy dance later - so I think it helped. We just got home, and he no longer smells like a wet dog...:lol Going to check all of my shoes since he was here alone after the bath.....:lol

  9. I use baby shampoo but those others ideas were good too :colgate If he was in a lot of tall weeded area makes sure he has no signs of ivy. We get a lot of that around here. Lexie wanted me to tell you to tell Rocket that she hopes he feels better soon but she intends to stay away cause she doesn't want to catch any cooties :yikes:inlove so no :kiss2 for awhile. a nice sotthing :bath will help. Hope u feel less itchy real soon my soon to be son(dog) in law


    Now Lexie....Cooties are part of marriage...:lol Ya gotta take the good with the bad.....


    I couldn't find any of the shampoos mentioned by others locally, but did find a shampoo called "Bobbi's Itchy Dog" that has Tea Tree Oil, Flaxseed oil, Oatmeal and Aloe Vera in it. Rocket is going to smell like a Pina Colada later.....:lol

  10. I work as a groomer and for dogs with allergies or skin issues i normally just do a good straight water rinse (5-10 minutes) and then if the dogs skin is not to irritated i use Earth Bath hypo allergenic or oatmeal shampoos to remove any dirt/oils and sooth the skin.


    Thanks. I am heading out to the pet store this evening and see what they have in stock. We are in an area where even the big chains have smaller stores and limited stock, but will definitely find something mild with oatmeal to help with the itch.


    Talked to our boarding person this afternoon, and they are seeing a lot of this due to the hot dry weather and lots of weeds.


    Thanks for the replies.

  11. Try one of the Nova Pearls shampoos--look for one for itching. I've used both oatmeal and coal tar shampoos with decent success.


    But if he has seasonal allergies, the allergans are in the air, not his fur.


    Thanks! - I will look for those. He normally has no problem with this type of thing, but our walking route has a ton of weeds and clumps of high grass on it this year. The HOA must have cut back the mowing schedule. This boy has to sniff and walk through every patch of tall grass he finds. I think some of this stuff is starting to bloom again after a hot dry spell, so the weeds are especially potent right now.


    The benadryl this morning has significantly reduced the scratching and itching, so it likes like we might be on the right course of action.


    Thanks again - High Fours to George!!!! (that's like a high five, but with a paw :lol )

  12. Poor Rocket is itching, licking paws, scratching under his chin and generally miserable. He usually only gets a bath when he is boarded, so we have never had to give one here at home. Trying to determine the best shampoo that might also help with the itching, but still be ok for a Greyhound.


    We gave him some benadryl this morning since he is so miserable, and am hoping that along with a bath things will settle out. He has been walking through tall grass and dry weeds on our walks, but there are no signs of fleas, ticks etc... I'm really thinking he just has some pollen or other irritants on him since he is concentrating the scratching under his chin on on his paws. No other changes to food or anything at home, so a bath and benadryl will be the first course of action.


    Anyone have a favorite dog shampoo, or should we just use baby shampoo to try and rid him of the allergens?


    Fortunately, there is a walk-in shower in our basement, so half the battle of the bath will be keeping it from becoming a walk-out shower. :lol



  13. Are you trying to get her to pee while on a leash? I'm assuming that you are leash walking and there isn't a fenced yard for this response. We went through it, many other new owners also go through this.


    Many new dogs are not used to being on a leash and having someone standing close when they need to go. She will go eventually, but to make it easier, try to give her as much room as possible, or let her walk behind a tree or bush while you stay as far back as possible (still on the leash, of course) . It's an adjustment process for many new pups.

  14. We used to think that Rocket couldn't tolerate chicken, but it seems that the problem was other ingredients - not the chicken. He has been on a highly digestible food for months with no problems, and the main ingredient is chicken. This food is used by the boarding facility we use which boards only greyhounds - up to 28 at a time. This food solved numerous poop / stomach issues he was having.


    The food is Precise Foundation Chicken Meal and Rice. I have linked to it. Be sure to specify the name exactly as I have it written if you decide to try it. There are numerous Precise formulas but this one worked well for us, and is also used as the House Food at the boarding facility I mentioned. Many of the owners who board there have switched to it after seeing how well their dogs did after eating it.


    I would suspect hat Sweet Potato may be more of a problem than chicken in the one food you mentioned. Rocket cannot tolerate sweet potatoes at all. Some dogs do well on them, it really will be a little bit of trial and error until you find what works. As another posted suggested, I would run a stool sample just to be sure that the worms aren't still an issue.

  15. One thing we found out the hard way - "better" kibble doesn't always mean they will eat it, or not have a problem with it. Don't feel like you have to "move up" to a better kibble. You just need to find something that has the nutrition your pup needs and that they'll eat. That doesn't always mean "better" or more expensive.


    Like the other post said, I would remove the add-ins first and see what happens, as well as rule out anything medical. The first couple of times you remove the add-ins, you will probably get the "hey - you forgot something" look.

  16. Thanks for your input. The dog parks around here aren't too bad. I'm in the country, at most one or two dogs might be in there at any one time plus they have a separate area for the smaller ones. I just wanted a place where he could run a bit. I think I'll wait until my wife's mother visits us with the little rat dog she has. Hey if Ace eats it, its a plus and if he doesn't and can get along with it, well that's a plus too :)


    Nothing like an afternoon snack....:lol


    Actually, the dogs that Rocket has the most problem with are any type of little white dog, of which there seem to be hundreds in the neighborhood. They are all yappy and that seems to distress him. Poor guy will be wagging his tail beacuse he wants to play, and whining at the same time because they stress him so much.


    We have some freinds with 2 little white dogs, and when they come over they do not bark, and actually like to cuddle up with Rocket. He gets so nervous that he starts shedding. I would love to know if something happened with a little white dog when he was fostered......because he sure does get nervous around them.


    You may have to become the bad guy at the dog park if the owners don't pay attention to the Large Dog / Small Dog areas. a lot of the problems seem to be brought on by owners not following the rules, or not paying attention to what their dog is doing.


    One of my favorite things when we adopted Rocket was watching how intrigued he was with everything that was new. He would watch birds fly for long periods of time, and loved to go out by the main road and watch big trucks - don't know why - but he loves trucks.....


    Enjoy your pup!

  17. You will find that a majority of owners will tell you to stay away from dog parks. Everyone seems to have various reasons, but some people take their greys to dog parks and do just fine with close supervision. One of the main reasons people avoid them is the thin skin that greys have, if there is an altercation with another dog, even playing, serious injuries can occur. You will also find that many people do not supervise their dogs at dog parks - and chaos is usually the end result.


    Your dog is way too new to thrust into a dog park. He has most likely never seen another type of dog other than a greyhound - and he probably doesn't know why that thing is barking at him. Rocket has been with us for several years, and still whines when other dogs bark at him - he just doesn't get it and can't figure out why they are barking.


    If you watch him on your walks, everything is new to him - birds, cars, cats, dogs, trucks, airplanes etc....he needs some time to settle into a routine. Noises may startle him - thing's he's never heard before like car horns, braking noises, dogs barking, sudden noises like bikes whizzing by, motorcycles etc. Let him get used to his new world before he has to deal with too many things he isn't sure of.


    He will do fine, but since he is so new, he needs to get settled, and you need some time to learn how he will react in various situations. As you found out, you need to keep a "death grip" on the leash at all times - I still do after several years, and every once in a while, something totally stupid will startle Rocket and cause the same reaction you had. Give him a little time - and he will probably make friends with some of the dogs he sees on his walks if they are well behaved - but he needs time to adjust.


    Edited to add - Congratulations on your boy! When you have time, make sure to post some pictures and introduce him.

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